Fate From a Wedding (7)

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Prompt: Your best friend, Jung Jiwoo, is getting married, and you're one of the bridesmaids. It just so happens that her younger brother, Jung Hoseok, is the Best Man.


Your time with Taeyhung was fantastic. The two of you started off going to a small boutique on the far end of town where you bought a dress for the spring (despite that it was about two and a half months away). It was tight to your body until it flowed out at the bottom, which went down to your knees. There was also a garden center where you purchased yellow lilies, having thought about how well they would contrast against your cerulean blue walls which covered the kitchen area in your home. You also spent some time visiting jewelry stores or other clothing shops, not getting much else, but rather just viewing things and chatting with one another. When you wanted a snack, you went into a small café and purchased a coffee and dessert. After buying it, you left and continued your wandering around the town.

Eventually, seven o'clock came around, and seven ten was when he had made the reservation. He had almost freaked out when he saw the time on his watch, but he realized that you were closer than he thought, so he instantly calmed down. Taehyung led you to the restaurant, which was slightly shut off from the rest of the town, and when you saw it, you were in awe.

It was big, and definitely fancy. The outside had a long, white canopy which had the shape of an upside-down boat, connected to the ground by swirl-shaped poles. And, since it was dark out, it had lights around trees that surrounded the front of the restaurant and lit up the dark brown bark in a beautiful yellow. Underneath the canopy also had a golden light radiating from the top, shining on the smooth, tan marble floor which led to the door. There was wonderful greenery, plants, and neutral-toned rocks and stones that also circumferenced the place. It was gorgeous, and you stood and stared at it for a few minutes, taking it in. You had never been somewhere of such high quality.

Upon realizing how taken back you were by the fanciness of the restaurant, Taeyhung laughed and put a hand on your shoulder. The action caused you to jump, being that you were so lost in your thoughts. You looked at him with curiosity, and he grinned back.

"Do you like it, Y/N?" He asked, as if he didn't know you were completely in love with the place.

You slowly nodded, your mouth slightly agape as you looked back to it. "Tae, h-how did you even affordthis?"

He hummed, putting an arm around your waist as he walked you to the entrance, talking all the while. "Some of my family is within the farming business, so they produce a lot of fruits and vegetables which they sell at farmer's markets. Because it's such high quality without any preservatives, it can cost a lot, so they ended up getting rich from it. They also know a lot of people who are willing to pay that money in order to get A-grade foods." He opened the door with his stray hand, allowing you to walk in first before following suit, still speaking. "So they spread some of the wealth to my parents and now I also own some of the money they made, so I was able to get us into this restaurant."

It was a lot of information to process, but you took it in and thought it over. You do remember him mentioning things during the wedding about how much the suit cost and how he was thankful that he had the money to pay for it, but he didn't ever specify where the dollars came from. Now you understood, and you were kind of envious. You wished you had a family connection like that; not just for the money, but also for the easily obtainable rich foods. It seemed like a lucky thing to have.

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