Fate From a Wedding (9)

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Hello! Just letting everyone know that I have a tumblr:


which I am more active on and it has more of my fics and most of them are completed. So, please follow me there!

Thank you,




Prompt: Your best friend, Jung Jiwoo, is getting married, and you're one of the bridesmaids. It just so happens that her younger brother, Jung Hoseok, is the Best Man.


You woke up surrounded by both the warmth of a large blanket and arms around your waist in a loose grip. There was a naked body pressed against yours, lying still as the person it belonged to was still deep in their sleep, the chest you were pressed against rising and falling at a steady pace.

The realization of your lack of clothing had shock rushing throughout your body; your heart sped up its pace, and you felt the sudden urge to just get up and get out of there.

Hurriedly, although carefully as to not wake up the sleeping person, you moved out of their arms. You couldn't believe that you were currently naked and that you weren't alone, either. What had even happened last night? It seemed like things had become a blur in the middle of.. whatever sort of romantic kissing session you were having with Hoseok. Nothing seemed to connect and you couldn't piece together how your clothes came off and were now strewn about across the floor. Things had been going so smoothly, too. If only you hadn't let him even kiss you in the first place, you wouldn't have slipped under the spell he had and allowed him to do what he pleased.

In the midst of bending down to grab your panties (which you noticed were slightly damp, and you clenched your fist due to the fact), your eyes cast over to the male still lying in bed, asleep. You narrowed them, feeling anger build up inside of you. How could he do this? How could he ruin something that was going well? Why couldn't he just be real with you and talk and converse and just allow you to get to know one another? Why did this have to be something sexual?

The more and more you thought about it the more and more it seemed like he was just using you as some sort of filler for his broken heart. Like he wasn't over the relationship and he still needed some sort of fucking rebound (which was you) to finally be able to put it in the past.

But why you? Why were you the one he was using and toying with? Acting all sweet and happy and creating friendly conversation only to release all of his hidden tension and sadness in a sexual encounter with you? Which goddammit you needed to stop letting this happen, it was messing you up because you wanted to be friends with Hoseok and you were considering this relationship thing but if he was just playing with you..

You hastily grabbed all of your clothes and put them on, neatening out the mess that was yourself which you had done in order to appear nice in case anyone saw you walking out. You wanted to avoid conversation, but if it was necessary you would need to come up with an excuse, especially if it was his parents. Jiwoo, on the other hand, maybe not so much. Perhaps you could even vent to her.

So you stepped over to the nightstand beside his bed and grabbed your phone, contemplating if you should grab a piece of paper and pencil so you could write a note on it "apologizing for leaving before he woke up". As much as you didn't want to, and you wanted him to feel some sort of sadness, you knew that he was already feeling depressed. You knew that he was just using you to feel better, and maybe he did have some sort of attraction to you, but there was no way it was romantically. The things he said at your apartment were all a lie. Or was it? He knew that he had made a bad first impression on you, but, was that just acting?

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