t h r e e ;

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a/n ;
yo yo yo, im back! (`・ω・')ノ its already the holidays woooohoooヽ(;▽;)ノ can't wait to just sit at home and continue the chapters or just catch up with my studies... (¯―¯٥) just noticed that there are boys reading this fanfiction, could it be fanboys?! if there are, omg it'll be so awesome!


« ga eun ; heading home, 01.01.'16 »

I peeked behind him, only to find Wonwoo.

My first crush.

My heart ache a little when I saw the pretty boy. He was nothing like before. He had grown into those features, his bone structure was fine and perfectly symmetrical. There was softness in his eyes and gentleness in his smile. He had distinct cheekbones and an angular jaw, his pale skin made him look devilishly handsome. His broad shoulders made his posture look as if he was showing off his confidence.

" Are you done admiring him yet? " Seungcheol rolled his eyes, crossing his arms.

Suddenly, I felt my cheeks turn hot as boiling water. Why do I keep embarrassing myself like this? I facepalmed my forehead mentally and huffed in frustration.

" It's nice to see you again, Ga Eun. " Wonwoo smiled, his voice was as deep as the sun at midnight.

I nodded a little, not wanting to say anything because I knew I would stutter.

Everyone lived near each other in the neighbourhood including Wonwoo. Fortunately, the train wasn't that crowded so we didn't have problem going home that night. The silence was like a gaping void, needing to be filled with sounds, words, anything. It seemed like we were the only ones in the train. I stared outside the window, loving the peace while enjoying the scenery. I felt a pat on my shoulder and I turned around.

" So, how are you? " Wonwoo suddenly asked me, his ebony black eyes focusing on mine.

" As usual. " I gave him a faint smile.

He smiled, scratching his hair awkwardly as if he had something to say.

" Do you have any plans tomorrow? " He blushed.

" I don't thin- " My thoughts stopped my sentence.

That guy that wanted to get cotton candy with me... He can't be serious with me, right? We don't even know each other. Probably, he was just playing around with me. I smiled at Wonwoo and shook my head.

" Oh, great. I wanted to spend time with you since I was out of the country for so long. " Wonwoo's smile became wider.

We finally reached our station and alighted. All of us waved goodbye and went back home. I threw myself on the bed right after taking a shower. Checking my phone to see if there were any messages. Apparently, there is.

i'll come to pick you up tomorrow at 2pm.

Soon after checking the message, I dozed off to sleep.

« ga eun ; home, 02.01.'16 »

My alarm went off indicating that it was already 12pm in the afternoon. I dragged myself to the bathroom to freshen up myself. After the shower, I picked whatever outfit that catches my eyes first. I looked over my makeup bag that was sitting in the corner of the counter. Maybe I'll just apply a light pink lipstick to add colour to my pale face. Much better.

I glanced at the clock that showed it was going to be 2pm soon.

As I knew that Wonwoo is coming soon, I decided to eat a light breakfast so I won't be that hungry. Soon, the front bell rang. I opened the door without hesitation and see a smiling Wonwoo.

« sometime around 6pm »

It was a nice day with Wonwoo but... he was on my mind all day.

What if... he was still there?

What if... he was serious about it?

I didn't realise that I was frowning until Wonwoo poked my forehead.

" Stop frowning all day, will you? " Wonwoo teased.

Wait... All day?

" Something's bothering you, right? " He peered at my face.

He sighed and said, " Go ahead. "

My eyes lit up and I burst at high speed. My mind rewind our conversation and I knew exactly where to head. Deep inside, I actually was hoping for him to be there. I didn't know why.

I didn't care about how messy my hair and clothes became. All I cared was making sure he's not out in the cold.

Then, there was him. He sat on the bench where we first met. I took slow steps towards the figure and stood right in front of him. There was a dust of ice on the pink headed boy.

He looked up and the one thing that catches my eyes were his lips- his dry pale lips. His nose was tinged with red. The words that left his mouth when he saw me honestly hurt.

" I've been waiting for you. " He smiled cheekily.


a/n ;
awwhhh (ಥ_ಥ) lemme just take a moment hereee.... anyway, woozi would always and forever be my ultimate bias in svt because no matter how many bias wreckers there are, my love for him would never break ♥

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oh well, im out ( ̄▽ ̄)

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