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yooo, here's another update for y'all! am feeling kind of bummed out annnnd im sick lol so i decided to relieve it *sighs* ╥﹏╥ but anyway, hope you enjoy this chapter!


« ga eun ; home »

"Be my girlfriend." He smiled.

What?! I am so not falling for his trick.

"You're clearly teasing me." I tried to pull away but he just squished harder.

"I'm serious." His expression darkens.

I sighed, "We don't know each other well."

"Then... we can start now." He pulled my cheeks.

He stood up from his seat, making his way to the front door.

"No," I said. I took a deep breath and continued, "I don't want to."

He turned around, surprised. I stared at him and saw sadness in his eyes. He smiled despite that and said, "You're gonna be late for school. You should go."

Then, he left.

Did he confess? I'm sure he didn't.

I went to school with him on my mind. The two guys noticed the unusual behaviour I was in which made Hoshi asked, "What's wrong? Did Jisoo and her gang disturb you again?"

Even though she was basically another thing I had to handle but this time it wasn't. I shook my head at his question. This left him and Chan confused as they tried to figure out what the hell is wrong with me.

Jisoo was so called the "queen" in the school. Well, queen, my ass. She thinks she owns the school and can order people around.

Honestly, I don't get why she hates me to the point where she doesn't care if she gets expelled. Ever since the beginning of my first year, she's been... well. A total headache. Of course, me being me, I didn't let her do what she wants to me.

But, whenever I do, she makes sure I suffered and by that, she made sure no girls in the school liked me. I was too lazy to even care but sometimes she gets on my nerve where she can make me involve violence.

That's where Chan and Soonyoung come to the picture. They made sure I didn't do anything stupid.

Ah, next lesson. I was walking with Chan and Soonyoung when suddenly I fell down to the floor. Apparently, someone elbowed me from the back. Their laughs were annoyingly familiar. I turned around to see the bitch.

"Slut." She sneers and walks away as if nothing happened, the sound of her heels clicking throughout the hallway.

Chan offered me his hand but I pushed it away and got up myself. After the incident, my mind was just saying the same sentence over and over again like a mantra.

I want to go home.

As soon the bell rang, I left immediately. I was trying to hold back myself from creating a scene. Both Soonyoung and Chan both know damn well I did. It started to rain as if it knew my feelings.

Weirdly, when I thought of him, I stopped being angry. I wanted to see him for no reason but it was ridiculous. That's when at that point, I cried. For the first time in public, I let it all out. I hated crying. Especially, when I'm out in the public. I didn't want anyone to see the weak me that's hiding within me.

Maybe, just maybe, I wanted someone to be there for me. Loneliness was always there even when Soonyoung, Chan, and Seungcheol hyung were with me.

"Why are you crying, Ga Eun?"

I looked up and gasped at the person who standing in front of me. It was like my wish came true. He was here. But why?

He kneeled down and wiped the tears that had stained my cheeks. At that moment, I cried even harder. Why is he so kind to me? I was always pushing him away but he just comes back.

"Why are you here?" I managed to ask despite the tears.

He smiled, "I just wanted to see you."

It was the same reason as to why he came over to my house.

He held out his hand to me and I took it. I didn't know why I didn't hesitate whenever it comes to him. He opened his umbrella, not letting go of my hand. As we walked, only silence was surrounding us. It was raining heavily which made the umbrella useless for the moment.

When we reached my house, I had to invite him in and give him dry clothes or else history will repeat itself.

"Ah, I'm here again." He looked around.

Ugh, this is so awkward.

After I changed my clothes, he pats the empty space beside him on the sofa. Probably asking me to sit there, which I did.

He rested his chin on the palm of his hands, his elbow propping on the sofa.

"So, mind telling me what happened?" Jihoon stared at me.

I didn't want to. But, I'm sure he will try to find out either way. Still, I ended up avoiding his question. To my relief, he didn't ask any other questions that would make me feel uncomfortable.

Opening my fridge, I took out my carton of strawberry milk. He looked over, "Any other flavours?"

"I have the original," I replied.

"No choco-"

"Hate it." I interrupted him. "Take it or leave it." I continued.

He sighs and took the original instead. I drank mine with incredible speed as my throat was parched. Then, I felt him hugging me from behind. My heart speeds up at the sudden bold movement. He didn't move for a few seconds which made me want to break free from his embrace. But when I did that, his embrace just tightens.

I hear him take a deep breath, "I want to be the one that hears your worries first."

My heart ached when he said that. He continued, "I may not know what's wrong but I'll still be here when you need me. I promise you."


hello there! decided to update because i need to finish this and scoups fanfiction before next year! thank you for reading and i'll see you in another chapter soon!! :D

oh well, im out ( ̄▽ ̄)

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