meeting the new kid~1

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Don't own wish j did

Dick's pov

"God how long does it take to get to the manor again Jay?" "Oh come on dickie it's not that far now" "in your opinion todd you don't live like 3 or 4 hours away from the manor" "cheer up at least bruce is letting you see the new kid that's here now" "New kid?" "Yeah, we got a new kid at the manor now" "Damn I have missed a lot by what you are telling me Todd" "He is a little demon so don't be mad if you get hit with a poll or blade" "WHAT" " *laughing* god you have the best reactions grayson, anyway we are here" "Finally tooks us 3 hours to get here I want my bed and cookies" "I don't think you will get your bed soon" "Why?" "The kid has a-" "WOOF" "Let me guess the kid has a dog" "Yes, yes he does and it's a umm whatever it is" "TODD YOU BACK YET" "timmy" "WHERE IS THE DEMON SPAWN AT" "umm that can't be good, right?" "Not at all" we run up and into the manor as we can to find a hell of a mess and we look at each other then nod "TIMOTHY WHAT DID YOU DO" "NOTHING I SWEAR and dick is that you" we look up to find tim on the chandelier "Yeah, it's me now WHO DID THIS" "the demon kid did it and now I can't find him" "god tim i give you one job and you fuck it up and dad will kill you and me if this does not get cleaned and we don't have the demon kid" " whatever you guys find this "demon kid" and clean this up i have had a long day so good night" "NOO DON'T LEAVE US" i run as fast as i can up the stairs and into my room at hear... crying? "Hello?" "'sniff' who's there" "where are you and who are you" "in the closet" "can you come out" "no" "why not" I walked over to my closet and sat down in front of it "cause I know it's you, todd" "I'm not jason or tim ok" "then who are you" I see one off the doors opens a bit so i see beautiful jade green eyes looking at me "I'm richard grayson but my friends call me dick and you are" "I'm damian" "ok can you tell me why you are in my closet" "oh this is your room" "Yeah, know can you tell me why you are in my closet now" "I'm hiding and don't tell I'm brothers that I'm in here or you saw me crying please" "why and who are your brothers" "todd and drake and someone else but i have never met them and no one sees me crying and I don't want them too" "oh can you come out and I'm the someone else I'm the oldest here" " ok and no but you can sit in here with me" "ok can you move and open the door" I see the door shut and hear a shuffle "ok you can come in now" I open the door and sit down in my closet and damian shut the door behind me as I sit down "so are you the new kid todd was telling me about" "I guess I'm the new kid and who are you again" "I'm richard or dick" "Ok and this is your room" "Yeah, it's been awhile since I have sat down in my closet and why are you crying damian" "My brother was yelling at me cause my dog made a mess" "Oh, but why did you hide in a closet and not your room?" "They will look for me there first or fathers room" "Who is you dad?" "Bruce wayne is my father" "HE IS" I hear a whimper from damian "Sorry damian I didn't mean to raise my voice at you and are you sure you are his kid?" "Yeah, he made me get a blood test to make sure i was his kid" "Wow, want a hug?" "Yeah" "Come here" "I'm not moving though" I move closer to damian slowly cuz I have no idea how he could react to me giving him a hug "You sure you want a hug" "I want my hug" I hug the poor kid and pull him closer to me and he cries into my shoulder "It's ok, it's ok damian" "What if they find me?" "I'm here they won't hurt you" "They won't, they know not to mess with me when I'm mad or upset at something" "Really?" "Yeah" "Yay!" "Do you want me to stay here with you in here?" "Yeah, stay for a bit" "Ok damian, but what will you do if they find you?" "Hide behind you or jump out the window" "You can hide behind me and don't jump out the window, you could get hurt" "So what, no one would care" "I care kid go to sleep" "What" "Go to sleep" "Umm ok" "Can I move you to my bed so you can sleep better" "Ya and promise not to tell them and father too" "I promise baby bat" "Good or I will skin you alive got it" "Got it" I open the door and peek out too see if someone was out there "No one is in my room now do you want me to move you now¨ "Ya" I open the door more and pick up damian and get up off the floor "Damn kid, how old are you?" "12" "Your light for a 12 year old" "Shut up" I put damian on my bed and rub his head softly "I will be back ok" "*yawn* ok" I walk out and go downstairs to find a bigger mess then I went up with I remember I have to keep my voice down because of damian "Ok, what did you two do?" "Dick I thought you went to bed" "I came down for a cup of hot chocolate and what happened" "Oh ok COME BACK HERE WITH MY PHONE TIM" "Todd be quiet will you" "NO NEVER" "Ok then here" I slapped Todd acrossed his face and walked into the kitchen for hot chocolate' with the little marshmallows in it "hmm" "DICK GET BACK HERE" "I had just finished making the hot chocolate when Jay walked in "didn't I tell you to shut up you know what never mind good night" I walked out with my hot chocolate and went back to my room to find damian asleep on my bed still "Damn kid, did you cry yourself to sleep?" "Hmm" I put my cup down on the nightstand and sit down on the bed next to him and pet his hair "Why I'm am I doing this...but his hair is so soft it feels like a cat with really fluffy fur like you see at the pound or a pet store. AHHH why am I still doing this?" "Grason, what are you doing with the demon spawn?" "Wha?" I look over to find Tim and Jason looking at us. "Hey there" "What are you doing with the demon spawn dick" "Watching him and don't call him demon spawn did you clean up your guys mess down there" "No" "Why not?" I was trying so hard to not rise my voice at them I was still petting his head when they showed up at my door "cuz we don't want to clean the demons mess up" " He is not a demon ok he's a kid, ok?" "Not all he does is run around and that's why you are here but dad doesn't know you are here though" "Why not?" "We want to take the kid off our hands and dads so get rid of him" "no" "no why not he needs to go" ""No you need to go" I started to growl at them and they backed up "leave now" "not till you get rid of him" I get up and grab them by the collar of there shirts and pull them out of my room and slammed the door in there faces and lock the door shut "grayson" I jump as I remember damian is in my room asleep or now awake cuz of me slamming the door "sorry dami that i woke you up" " it's fine i never was asleep" "Why?" I walk over to damian and sit on the bed as he sits up "I don't really sleep it was part of my training" "what training baby bat" "I was trained to be an assassin when I was born" "Oh really" "Ya" "Wait you heard everything didn't you" "Yes sadly" "Ok how about this you go to sleep and we talk in the morning, ok?" "Only if you stay here with me" that made me think "why" "Umm why" "The first week I came to live here todd and drake they tried to kill me in my sleep ya that's why so I was always near my father at night" "Oh when you say that of course I will stay but way my" "Father is not going to be here tonight he is off patrolling without me" "What you know that" "He is batman yes I'm the new robin or as todd and drake put it "new kid" now" "oh just go to sleep I will be here when you wake up" "Ok but you need to sleep too" "I will be fine" "No you need to sleep" "Ok how about this we both go to sleep, ok?" "Hmm ok" I watch him lay back down and I push him over a bit and i hop onto my bed and I feel damian snuggle into my side "Hmm" I realize he fell asleep with him hugging my arm "Ok if he does not stop doing that I will end up taking this kids first kiss or something" I end up falling asleep hugging damian in my sleep.

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