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Damian pov

I watch father cringed when I called him father in romanian "pula ce este în neregulă cu tatăl" (dick what is wrong with father) "când eram de vârsta ta i-ar primi cosmaruri si tipa la partea de sus a plămânilor și el va veni în camera mea și aș vorbi cu el în română" (When I was your age I would get nightmares and scream at the top of my lungs and he would come to my room and I would talk to him in romanian)

"oh despre ce" (oh about what) "Nu vreau să spun" (I don't want to say) I nod and turn back to father and west "tata" (Father) "I will be the only who can talk to him" "Have fun Rob I'm going to run you should call Barry" then he was gone in a flash.

I look at the stop where west was standing at then at Grayson "el este flash de copil din zilele mele Robin" (He is kid flash from my robin days) "oh, nu mi-ai spus când ai fost Robin" (Oh you never told me about when you were robin)

"Ok that need to stop for now" "I will tell you later" I nod and look at father "Dick you will be in charge of Damian from now on" "Umm ok why though" "You are the only one who can understand him" "Oh, ok"

I pulled on Grayson shirt and he looks at me "da" (Yes) I open my mouth and point inside of my mouth "Oh food" I face palmed and looked at father "You're stuck with him" "tata" "No complains and feed him" "Come on dami" I sit down and raise my arms "Fine" Grayson picked me up and I put my head on his shoulder.

Dicks pov

I picked up Damian and he put his head on my shoulder as I walked downstairs "Dami what do you want to eat" "Look at we have here demon acting like a 3 year old" I feel dami tighten up his grip on my shirt as I turn and find Jason standing in the doorway of the kitchen with Tim.

"What do you to want" "Once again we want the kid gone" "No I'm in charge of him now and he stays here this is his home" "Dad put you in charge of the demon and his home is hell" "Yes and he is not a demon and no it's not " I feel my shoulder starting to get wet "Hey, it's ok"

"Ha ha demon is crying" I walked away and into the living room and plopped onto the couch and rubbed small circles on Damian's back "Shhh, it's ok" "Vreau să părăsească conacul" (I want to leave the manor) "sunteți sigur că doriți să părăsiți conac"(Are you sure you want to leave the manor) "da" (Yes) "lua cu mine damian tu știi acest drept"( I will have to ask if I can take this right you know Damian) "Ok"

I kissed Damian's forehead and he buried his head in my neck "What did you do to Jason and Tim to make them do this" "Has he had lunch yet?" I look over my shoulder and find Bruce behind me "No I found Jason and Tim in the kitchen so no"

"Great he needs to eat" "Bruce Damian wants to leave the manor and come with me to bludhaven" (an:is that how you spell it) "I figured if you came he would want to leave with you and take his uniform with you" I nod and look at Damian who fell asleep after we talked.

"When do you want me to take him" "Soon" "If you could watch him I could pack some of Damian's things" "I can do that for a bit but you have to be fast at it" "Why?" "When he goes to sleep it's for a hour or two so you could say he just takes naps all day" I nod and lift Damian off my lap and hand him too Bruce.

"Run" I ran up the stairs and past Jason who looked at me like I was crazy and into Damian's room and packed clothes and chargers and his phone then I found a katana in Damian's closet and I grabbed it to then walked down with the duffle bag that I put everything into.

"There you are he is waking up" I dropped the bag and Damian's katana and take said person from Bruce's arms "Alfred is getting all of Damian's uniform stuff he has down there and putting it in your car" "Ok"

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