Going home~6

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Sorry if there is grammar mistakes

Bruce's pov

Both of my sons just keep talking in romanian not stopping for a breath "Both of you stop talking now" "Hmm what" "tata"(Father) I sigh "Wally you can leave now" "Bye Rob, bye Damian." Wally left "Ok, start talking" "tata" "Not you" "I have no clue ask him" I look at Damian "Todds și gâscan ei vânează visele sale" (Todd and drake they hunt my dreams)

I look at dick "He said Todd and Drake hunt his dream I'm guessing like a nightmare made from fear gas" "Great, what do we do?" "I'm going to punch Jason and Tim till they spill"  "dragoste" "da"(Yes) "iubire putem vorbi singuri" (Love can we talk alone) "Damian wants to talk to me alone" "Sure" I get up and walk out of the room

Dicks pov

"ce este"(What is it?) "DRAKE a făcut să bea ceva" (Drake he made me drink something) "ce culoare"(What color?) "roșu" (Red) "Ok" "atunci când pot pleca"(When can I leave?) "Don't know" "om"(Man) I hug Damian "Who cares" "pe mine"(Me) I laugh at this I hear a knock "Come in" I watch the doctor come in "Oh, you woke up" "da"(Yes)

The doctor looked at him with a weird face "He said yes" "Oh" the doctor ask Damian questions like if anything hurt how he felt and I sat there been a translator for them which I don't mind as long it was something helpful for the doc.

"Well we are going to keep him overnight if everything goes right you can leave tomorrow" Damian started to bounce with joy and the doc turned to me "Is this normal?" "Ya, he hates the hospital" "Ok, well I leave oh your dad went back to work" I nod and turn back to Damian.

"Da"(Yes) I laugh at this "Happy" "DA"(Yes)

~time skip to the next day~(an:I know I'm lazy)

The doc came in and look over Damian "Well Damian you are free to go when you want" "da"(Yes) Damian's hands shot up in the air "I think he wants to leave now" "You can leave whenever" next thing I know Damian has grabbed my hand and we were out the door and out of the hospital.

"Acasă"(Home) I laugh "acest lucru este motivul pentru care eu te iubesc și vino mașina este în acest fel"(This is why I love you. Come on car is this way) Damian laughed and grabbed my hand as we walked to my car that was in the parking deck.

~time skip by terrible elevator music that sucks~

I had an arm around Damian's waist who was laughing at a joke I stole from Wally "Well we are at the car" "Aww" "You can laugh at more terrible jokes later what do you want to eat" I unlocked the car and we got in and I get poked and I turn to Damian who kissed my cheek.

"I think we can get fast food, what do you think?" "da"(Yes) (an: I'm getting tired of transition this so I'm just going to make Damian speak in English unless he is with a group remember that) "Where too" "McDonalds and GameStop" "Why gamestop?" "A reward for not killing the doctor's" "Ok, I guess that is a good reason"

~timeskip to when they get home (an:wow I'm lazy)

I put the bag of food in my mouth and Damian grabbed our drinks and whatever game or movie he got as I unlocked the door. When I opened the door Damian ran for the kitchen and I closed the door with my foot "Calm down Damian food is going nowhere fast" "That's not why I ran"

"Oh, then why did you run?" Damian walked up to me and grab the bag "The drinks were cold" "Good I hate warm soda" Damian kissed my cheek and started to walk off "Damian" "Hmm" Damian turned around and I pulled him closer and I lifted his chin up and kissed him "Glad you're out of the hospital" "Same let's eat before the ice melts in the North Pole"

I let Damian go and walk behind him to the kitchen and grabbed two chairs as Damian pulled the food out of the bag I got a Big Mac and a large fries with a coke to drink and Damian got a 10 piece nuggets and fries with a Dr.pepper to drink  "Hey dick" I drop the fry I was eating and my mouth drops.

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