Dammit so close~10

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Damian's pov

I was so happy I had twin boys and engaged to the man of my life now it was just a waiting game before we could really be married and tell my father that I got married without inviting him to the wedding "dami" "yes love" "when do what to move back into our house" "how would we sneak out of here is a better question" "hmm true I still can't believe that they got two cribs set up and put them too sleep in three hours"

I just shrugged and watch dick walk over and sit on the bed "dick you look tired" "because I'm tired" I grabbed dicks hair and pulled him closer to me "owww Damian that hurt" "sleep you" "what if I don't want too" "dick get some sleep we both need it" "but" "no buts just go too sleep" "fine" "you sound like a three year old"

I didn't get a answer but felt  Dick get closer to my chest "dick" he just wrapped his arms around my chest I felt my eyes soften and petted dicks hair it was a bit softer now then before we got hit by the ray then I passed out

~time skip to the next day~

I felt someone pushing well shaking me to wake me up "ten more minutes dick" "Alfred is running to the store and we are going with"   "Ten minutes" "we are leaving in a hour and you need a shower from last night and eat" "fine but we are going to pull me out of bed"

I felt him grab my arm and pull me half way out of the bed "almost there" he gave another pull and I fell off the bed then watch him come into my view "go shower" he gave me a kiss on the cheek and left the room I just laid there for a few minutes then got up to take my shower

~when they get to the store~

"I'm assuming that you two well be shopping for the young masters" "ya are we" I just stood there and yawned I was not a morning person at all even after two cups of coffee so I was being dragged everywhere that dick wanted to go and buy stuff and it all had to deal with the circus I stopped him after ten circus things I was not having a circus in a room if he wanted a circus it would have to come out of his pocket not mine

"Dami come on it will be cool" "no it won't it would just scare them" "ok but it won't eventually" "dick you say that now and it won't happen we are not going to get clown stuff or else" "what would you do" I felt myself smirk "d-dami" "let's just say you wouldn't like it" "o-ok no clown things" "good now hurry up I want to go home and rest I'm sore as hell I feel like I went up against bane without anything on"

Dick walked up and gave me a quick kiss "the quicker we get this done the quicker we can go home, ok" "fine" "whyyyyy I want to go home and rest" when dick turned his back I pulled out my phone and sent a quick paragraph to Todd to come get me who said that he was on his way to come get me

"Dick I'm going to use the bathroom" "ok" "so easy to trick you so sorry not sorry" I walked outside the store to find Todd standing there
outside a car "what's up demon brat" "nothing now can we go" "ya get in" I got in and we went back to the manor

~to when they get there~

I walked all the way to my room to only be stopped by drake who told me that Skyler and Thomas hadn't stopped crying for the past ten minutes and that I needed to calm them down so drake and father could rest for a bit soo now I'm stuck rocking them to sleep after feeding and burped them

"Dami" "yes" "dick just got back you can go take a nap if you want too" I nod and put the twins to bed then snuck down the hall to mine and Dick's room and got into bed to take a nap

Sorry it's so short but anyway till next time waffles 😺

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