Chapter 7

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Hunter's POV
I kept hearing about an old boyfriend Bella had and it was starting to worry me. Someone broke her heart? Not okay.

As we were leaving to go down to everybody's room, I told may and Blake to go ahead of us.

After they left, I pinned Bella against the wall.

"uh Hunter, what are you doing?" she said with a confused look on her face.

"Tell me about this old boyfriend of yours."

"Hunter, I really don't want to talk about that right now" Bella said with a sad look on her face.

She pushed me off and went to her hotel room. I obviously followed her in.

"Please tell me. I can't stand the thought of someone having broke your heart." I said

"Okay. His name was Spencer. He cheated on me and I never knew. It had gone on for 5 months so I was basically living a lie. He eventually broke up with me and 2 days later I found out why." She said

"Bella, whatever he did, I want you to know I will always be with you and only you." I said and grabbed her hand.

She smiled.

I was thinking about really kissing her again but she stood up.

"Let's go down. I wanna meet everybody!"


Bella's POV
When we got to the room, everything was a mess. Brando and Johnny we're broadcasting in one corner, Jacob, Aaron, and Taylor were fooling around on their phones and Blake, May, and Cam were all talking.

Cam made eye contact with me and smiled.

"So this is Bella? The girl Hunter talks about ALL the time." he said and rolled his eyes jokingly.

He came over and gave me a hug, which felt amazing by the way. Not only was I fangirling hard inside my head because I had been watching Cam for years.

Hunter sat down on the bed and put my on his lap. Aaron came over and sat down next to us.

"Hey I remember you. You were the girl from family photo op with the really soft hands!" Aaron said and I laughed.

"Yeah I noticed that about her as well." Hunter said and pulled me closer to him.

I didn't understand why he was acting like this. I don't know if he was jealous or something because he did the same thing during family photo op.

"We should go to Chipotle or something for dinner" Taylor said and everyone agreed. Chipotle was my favorite.

"I haven't had chipotle in the longest time. I can't live without it." Jacob said

"WHITE GIRLL!" everyone said and threw pillows at him.

He ended coming near me and he was actually really tall. For a 13 year old anyways.

"Hey I'm Jacob. Your hunters new girlfriend right?" He said

"Yeah. Nice meeting you by the way. I love your's" I said

"Oh yeah. I'll follow you what's your user?" he said

Me and Jacob talked for a bit before we all went to Chipotle.

We walked there and the whole time Hunter was holding my hand. It felt so great to actually feel important to somebody again. We actually ran into some fans. One girl was actually really nice. She wanted a picture with ME.

"I ship #huntella so hard!" the girl said after we took the picture.

"Wow people already have a ship name for us. We've only been dating for like a day!" I said

"Yeah you guys are so cute."

"What's your name by the way??" I asked.


we have eachother our numbers and followed eachother on Instagram.

We got back to the hotel and went to Hunter and Blake's room.

"Wanna watch some Netflix?" May said.

"Yeah, we can totally Netflix and Chill." Hunter said and looked at me.

"Oh my goodness Hunter!" I said and laughed because Hunter started tickle me. He ended up on top of me. I looked up and there he was, putting his lips on mine.

"WHOA WHOA WHOA PG-13!!!" Blake said and everyone laughed.

"Let's just pick a movie." May said and Blake and I shared a glance.

"How about a scary one?" I said. This was my effort to get Blake to kiss May. At chipotle he came up to me and told me he really wanted to kiss may but was afraid she wouldn't want him to.

"No I hate scary ones." may said

"I'll be there to protect you." Blake said.

"Okay but I'm covering my eyes on the really scary parts.

We settled down and watched the Conjuring. Honestly, it wasn't even scary but may gets really scared.

As I looked over on one of the slower parts, I saw Blake lean down and kiss may. This was amazing. Two best friends being with the boys of their dreams. Life really couldn't get better.

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