Chapter 13

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Bella's POV
"Jacob we have to go!!" I said, "Can you ask your sister to take us home?! We have HUGE news."

"Uh yeah sure but first you have to tell me what's going on." Jacob said

"Yeah. Why do you look so happy?" May said

"Hunter just texted me and said that Bart is asking us to become the part of the MagCon family for Europe and Australia!!!"

"Omg for real?!" May said

"Yes!! But first we have to get the okay from our parents so we have to go ASAP." I said

"Okay. I'll get Caroline." Jacob said

Caroline drove us to my house. Jacob, May and I ran inside the house. My dad and mom were having dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Cox.

"Oh hey Jacob." Mom said.


"Well spit it out then." my dad said

"Bart, the manager of MagCon, invited May and I to be on the Europe and Australia tour. Everything would be payed for; hotels, food, airfare everything. The only thing we need is our parents okay." I said

"Please mom and dad! It would be the experience of a lifetime!" May said

"I'm fine with it as long as either me or your mom goes with you."

"Yeah May, same goes for you." Mrs. Cox

"I can totally call Bart right now and ask him if that's okay?" Jacob said

"Yeah go do that right now." I said.

5 minutes later Jacob came back, our parents talked to Bart, and everything was sorted out.


Jacob, May, and I had a huge group hug.

"You still have to finish out school but because you both have gotten good grades all year and perfect attendance, we are letting you skip the last 3 days of school to go to europe."

"I have to go tell Hunter right now. Omg I love you guys so so so much!" I said and gave both of of my parents a hug.

May did the same and called Blake. Jacob stayed downstairs because Caroline had come in and they were both talking to my parents.

Hunter's POV
My phone rang and I picked it up immediately.

"We can come!!!!" I heard Bella say.

"That's so amazing babe! I'm so happy I could kiss you right now!" I said.

"In week you can do just that. See you in a week love ya" she said and hung up.

******last day of school for may and bella*********

Bella's POV
May and I were talking to our friends Josie and Madi when Logan Joseph and his friend Brian Smith, two of the most popular boys in school, came up to us 4 in the hall.

"Hey. I'm having a party at my house tonight. If you guys could come that would be cool." Logan said.

"Yeah sure. If you don't mind me asking though, where do you live?" I said.

"If you want, I can give you my number. Is that okay?" he said

"Sure I'll give you mine too." I said

"We'll so be there." Josie said.

I had to admit, the party was really fun. It was a great to start my summer right. I spent the whole night dancing with logan Joseph. He was actually really sweet.

The party had ended and Josie wanted to take a picture with everybody. Logan and some of his friends took some pictures with us and they turned out really cool. I didn't realize it but in the pictures, Logan was holding onto my waist.

The next day I posted the picture on Instagram.

Caption: Last night was lit with these people💕

"It's time to go!" yelled my mom from downstairs. I was already packed and ready to go.

"We have to leave soon or we won't be able to pick up May!" she yelled again.

"Ok mom, coming." I said and ran downstairs.

Jacob said he was going to meet us at the airport.

We drove over to the Coxes and picked up may and her mom.

We got to the airport and it took us an hour to get to our gate, but surprisingly, Jacob wasn't there yet.

May and I were walking back from the bathroom when 2 girls came up to us.

"Omg your Bella Nepolitano and May Cox." one girl said.

"You guys are both so cute with Hunter and Blake!" the other one said

"Awe thanks! you guys are super sweet."

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