Chapter 11

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Hunter's POV
After we had gotten back from dinner with everyone me and Bella went up to my room. The elevator dinged and we got out. My hand was intertwined with hers. She was laughing about something I said about Henry. I don't why but at that moment I really wanted to kiss her.

"What?" she said looking at me.

I looked at her and just crashed my lips onto hers. She kissed me back and didn't pull apart as I opened the door. We stumbled in. All of a sudden Bella pulled away and gasped.

"Hi" Blake said laughing.

I turned around and saw Blake and May laying down on the bed. Except May was asleep and Blake wasn't.

Bella and I were both blushing hard.

"I think we're going to go back up to my room." Bella said all flustered.

"Yeah good idea." I said and we walked out quickly.

*******skip to room***********

"Wow that was embarrassing." Bella said and flipped on the bed.

"One day it won't be for you." I said and flopped on top of her.

"Get off me you fatty!" she said and turned around.

Suddenly, our foreheads were touching.

"You know, this isn't too bad of a view." I said.

"Your too cute." she said and kissed me,"let's watch a movie." she said.

"Can't we do something more fun." I said with a smirk.

"Is your idea of fun have to do with Henry?" she said and laughed.

"Maybe, maybe not." I said. I walked over to her and grabbed her waist, pulling her towards me. "On second thought, yes it does."

"Okay lover boy, maybe another time." Bella said and laughed her cute little laugh.

That night we fell asleep cuddling.


I woke up before Bella. She looked so adorable sleeping. I kissed her on the head and started to take a shower.

Bella's POV
I woke up and the bed felt cold. I think Hunter had started to take a shower because I heard the water running. 5 minutes later he came out with a towel around his waist and ruffled hair. I couldn't help but stare at his abs. He looked really cute with his ruffled, wet hair and rosy cheeks.

"Are you liking the view?" he said with his adorable smile.

"No, I'm loving it." I said as he came over and leaned in to give me a kiss. He flopped onto the empty space next to me.

"What are we going to do when you have to leave today? We won't be together until summer." I said

"Don't worry babe. We'll figure out something. There's no way I'm staying away from you that long. We can talk to Bart or something. Maybe you can come to MAGCON Europe with us?" Hunter said.

"That would be so cool. I don't know if mom would let me skip the last 3 days of school." I said

"She will, trust me." he said and winked.

*****skip to airport*******

May and I went with Brando, Blake, and Hunter to the airport. Mrs. Cox and Mom drove home early because Jacob's mom promised to take us home. We only lived 10 minutes away from him.

We got to their gate and the flight was taking off in 30 minutes.

"I'm going to miss you loads babe. I hope you know that." I said to Hunter.

"I'm going to miss you more babe." he said and gave me a kiss.

"I'll talk to Bart about everything. Blake wants May to come as well." he said.

"We'll text each other everyday promise?" I said.

"We'll FaceTime too." he said with a laugh.

"Hey girls we have to go now. You're parents wanted you back by 5." Jacobs mom said.

"I love you. Promise you won't forget me?" he said.


We kissed one last time before we left.

Jacob came over and gave me hug.

"Hey, you still have me. I realize I'm not Hunter or Blake but..." he said and I laughed.

"Thanks that makes me feel SO much better." I said

Jacob puts his arms around May and I and we left the terminal.

May's POV
I didn't want to leave him. He was my first real boyfriend. I was going to miss him so much. Hopefully the thing with Bart works out.

"Hey, you still have me. I realize that I'm not Hunter or Blake but..." Jacob said as we were walking out.

"Thanks that makes me feel SO much better." Bella said

Jacob puts his arms around us as we left the terminal.

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