Chapter 14

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Bella's POV

Agh! We were in Europe! I was so excited!

"Wow. I can't believe we are in Europe." I said.

We stepped of the plane and walked up the tube to the gate. Hunter, Blake, and Brando were waiting at the gate. I dropped all of my stuff and jumped into his arms. I had missed him so much.

"I've missed you so much you don't even know. I was going crazy without." Hunter said

"I know babe. I've been too, but now we have the summer together." I said

We grabbed our stuff and drove to the hotel. We weren't going to be sharing a room but May and me's room was right next to theirs. Hunter and I explored Dublin for a bit, met some fans, took loads of pictures, and snapchatted the heck out of everything.

"I'm so glad we're in Europe. Especially because your here." Hunter said.

"Awe your so cute."

"Wanna take a picture in front of this castle thingy?" Hunter said.

We asked some random stranger to take a picture of us in front of the castle. It turned out really good so I posted it on Instagram.

Caption: This boy makes me happier than anything❤️

Hunter, being the cutie he is, made me put the tag on Henry. Sometimes I wonder how old he was. I loved him to death anyways.

Hunter's POV
We got back to the hotel room and I went on Instagram to go like Bella's picture. Under it I commented: the universe isn't big enough to contain all my love for you❤️
I really loved Bella and I never want to have our relationship end.

I hadn't really checked out her Instagram so I started to look at all her pictures. Her 2nd most recent was of I guess some of her friends and a couple guys at a party. It was a good picture of her except for the fact one of the guys had an arm around her waist. And he was good looking. And she seemed to like it too. Was she really cheating on me?


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