Chapter 10

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Blake's POV
Today was the day I was flying home from Baltimore. I already missed May like crazy.


We were back at the hotel room after MagCon. Hunter and Bella went out for Starbucks with everybody while May and I stayed back at the hotel. We were gonna go swimming.

Back up in her room, I was waiting for her to finish putting on her bathing suit.

She came out of the bathroom holding up her bathing suit. Wow her body was beautiful.

"Can you tie the strings together for me please?" she asked me.

"I can do more than that." I said and she laughed. Have I ever mentioned how beautiful her laugh is?

"Let's just go swimming first and then we can get to that part." May said

I grabbed our towels and grabbed ahold of her hand.


"Watch out!!" I yelled and flipped in the water next to May.

I came up and she was soaked and laughing. I had to admit, she looked really hot with all the water running down her body like that.

"Uh Blake? Your checking me out. Almost like your undressing me with your eyes" She said and laughed.

"Who's says I'm not?" I said mischievously and grabbed her around the waist.

"Oh my goodness Blake!" May said and laughed. She wrapped her legs around me and I was holding her like that in the water.

I put my forehead to hers.

"You know something, I love you."

"You know something, I love you too." she said

May's POV
Our lips connected and butterflies exploded in my stomach. Our lips moved together in perfect sync.

"Maybe we should go somewhere more private?" Blake suggested

"That's a great idea."

*******skip to hotel room*********

Blake ended up carrying me like a baby up to his room. Nobody was there since everybody had gone to Starbucks. He threw me down on the bed and started to kiss me up and down my body. Blake moved his hand to undo my bathing suit but I stopped him there.

"Blake we can't do this. Not right now. We've on been dating for a day. Plus, I'm only 15." I said.

he looked disappointed and started to move off me but then I said,"I never said you couldn't kiss me."

He smiled and states to kiss me passionately on the lips. He moved from my lips to my neck and my neck to my stomach.

As I looked down, I could see hickeys forming on my stomach. Even though I was enjoying this, I had to stop him.

"Blake," i said and pointed to the hickeys on my stomach."I love you, but if my mom finds out, she is going to send me to military school." I said and laughed.

"Okay. Your body is so beautiful. I could go at it all day" Blake said.

"Oh Blake." I said and smiled,"Let's just get dressed and watch a movie. We can cuddle if your good."

We ended up watching The Avengers which was one of my favorite movies but I didn't tell Blake that.

"What are we going to do when I have to leave?" Blake said,"I can't stand not seeing you."

"We can work it out. I only have 2 weeks of school left. We can spend the summer together if that's gucci with you." I said

"I'm going to MAGCON Europe, remember?" he said

"Oh yeah. I don't know then"

"Maybe I can talk Bart into letting you and Bella come with us?"

"That would be so amazing! I've always wanted to go to Europe!"

"Okay. We can figure this out tomorrow. Mean while, let's just watch the movie." Blake said.

Blake's POV
May ended up falling asleep on my shoulder. She was so beautiful. I wish I could've gotten more of her. Hunter and Bella came in making out. It was really funny because they didn't even know I was there. The looks on their faces could've killed!

"I think we're gonna go back up to my room." Bella said all flustered.

"Yeah good idea." Hunter said and they walked out.

Poor Brando was third wheeling hardcore when he came back to the room for the night.

"Shh." I said as he came in.

"Is she sleeping?" he whispered.

I nodded. He came over and gave her a kiss on the head.

"You really want a girlfriend, don't you Brando?" I said

"Yeah, I kinda do."

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