Ch 1: the move.

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my older sister was helping me pack to go to my aunt's house in California. Can't believe I'll be leaving Portland, Oregon for good in a week. My aunt lives in Orange County, California. She's really sick and needs someone to take care of her house and my cousins. Even though We don't want her to she said she was going to pay me. But my cousins are 13 and 10 so they won't be that big of a problem. She doesn't know how long she's going to be gone so Me and my sister told her We would watch the house. My sister is 18 1/2 and can drive. My aunts house is pretty big. It has 5 rooms and 4 bathrooms, so We can get our own rooms. I think I'm going to like it down there. I do online school so school is no problem for me.
"Make sure you have your phone on you when you get off okay? I know how forgetful you are." My sister, Lisa reminded me.
"Of course I won't forget my phone. It's my life." I said laughing. She pushed me a little and I fell off of the bed onto the floor laughing.
"Krys you okay?" She asked laughing
"Yeah I'm fine. Just got pushed off my bed by my annoying older sister." Out of no where Lisa got a phone call.
"Yeah. Okay. We will. See you soon. Bye love you." She said in to the phone then she hung up. She looked at me. "We need to go like tonight. She's getting worse." So we got a plane ticket for the earliest flight they had, Tonight at 8:30. It was already 6:15 and we were ready to go. So I put my husky, my mom bought me before she died, in a dog carrier, and we were off to the airport. When we got to our gate and rushed in to the plane. I put my phone on plane mode and put my music on and tried to drifted off to sleep. But there were 5 boys in the back talking and being loud. I looked back at them and seen they were around my age.

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