Ch. 9

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When we got to the airport you could tell that May didn't want to be here. She didn't even say a word to anyone. And not to mention Sean looked like shit. You could tell they had a fight last night, and Sean didn't know what to do. I walked up to Sean, and sat next to him.
"you alright?" i say startling him A little. he looks at me and nods his head.
"I think May is cheating on me." He says quietly. I look at May, she's smiling at her phone. "She never smiles at me like that anymore. what happened? why doesn't she love me anymore?" he starts tearing up. I look at the time, we had about a hour until we board the plane, so I pulled him up and got him away from everyone as he started crying. I ended up hugging him as he cried in my chest. who would hurt such a sweet boy. And why did she have to Become a straight bitch. After a while i decided to confront her. I waited until Sean stopped crying and he went to the bathroom to clean up. i walked over to her, grabbed her arm and pulled her away from the group.
"Are you cheating on Sean?" I bluntly say with no emotion on my face. she looked at me scared for a second.
"N-n-no. Why would you think that?"
"Cut the shit Mayson. we can tell whoever your texting is making you happier than Sean. So don't make them waste a plane ticket for you if your just gonna make Sean unhappy." She looks down and started nodding then we walk back and she tells everyone that she's not going on tour with us. Jaden looks at me confused. I mouth 'tell you later' and he nods his head. May takes her stuff and starts leaving. Dylan calls her name.
"Your not even going to tell Sean bye?" she shakes her head no.
"Tell him I'm sorry."
"No. It shouldn't be us telling him."I say. she looks at me and shrugs.
"fine." she waits for him to come out of the bathroom and pulls him to where I pulled him and they started talking but we couldn't hear. Jaden comes up to me and takes me away from them. He kisses my cheek. and we start talking to the new member, Julian. Sean comes back and sits next to me. I look at him and sadly smile at him letting him know it gets better. I look at May leaving until she's gone. Then our Gate was called so we had to go in the plane. the whole plane ride was me and Jaden cuddling while watching Harry Potter.

Hey guys, I'm so sorry. i started online school and had to catch up. So im still trying. And Sean is now single. actually talking about that if you want to be one of the boys girlfriend or just in the story period message me who you want and who you want your character to be. I love you guys❤️❤️

Thinking of you again. ~ Jaden BojsenWhere stories live. Discover now