The Shopkeeper

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It was ramadan. I had gone shopping for Eid when I had an profound experience that made me question my Emaan.

There   was  this  Muslim  man   who owned the shop or was employed there. He was a poor    middle aged man who looked like a  hard worker.

He was showing us bags without  slowing down even if we rejected one after the other. 

We were all fasting and tired but this man was working so briskly  even though (I am almost sure) he was fasting too. He was like   jumping  here and there to take bags for us and was mumbling something to himself. I was amazed at this man's energy. Since I was depleted of energy and I thought all this  energy of his came because of his need of the money.

But I soon found out the real reason for his energy. He jumped past me to take a bag I asked for.  And I heard him breath out "Allahu Akbar". I was surprised  to hear that and then I realised that he had been repeating  "ALLAHU AKBAR" for the whole  time under his breath.

He was actually praising allah in his every breath. Even though   he was poor he was content with  his life and was praising his creator. Though he was wearing  dirty old baggy clothes, he had  one of the most pure Emaan.

Actually it sounds like a easy task  doesn't it? But try implementing it in real life and I swear that you  would find it hard to follow it   even in your most snoreworthy kill-me-now boring classroom or meeting etc.cera!

You don't even have to do something drastic like cutting    yourself letting the blood seep out to prove your Iman All you have to do is remember Allah   who gave this life to you in every breath.

How many of us actually remember Allah in our  life as we go around doing our daily activities ? Who can honestly say they remember our lord frequently? Thats right my dear friends very few people!

You should  remember Allah because he has said " The Iman of the person remembers Allah while working for their living is greater than the one that worships him 24/7"

My dear friends please try puting this in effect in your life.You will hopefully have a peaceful life and best of all Allah will forgive your sins , And you will able to avoid sins. Still if you are not convinced our prophet (saw) said the one who says subhanallah wa bihamdi 100 times everyday will be forgiving all their sins.

May Allah bless @Awaken12 for helping me edit this chapter. Say Ameen please.

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