Chapter Four: Finally realized

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Naruto's POV

It's 6 pm and I'm just walking around the town square looking for some good food to eat. I don't want to stay at home because it's too boring and lonely since I live alone.

My parents died right after I was born. I never knew the reason why or how because nobody would say anything to me. And now I'm just a stinking lonely ass walking around like an idiot for 16 years without any reason.

But I'm happy that I got friends to mend my pain. And I will find that reason soon.

After I ate my dinner I and walked around some more before heading back home. I careless and I accidentally bumped into someone familiar.

"Gomenasai."I bowed. Then she replied and the voice seemed familiar.

"Naruto? Is that you?" I looked up and it was Tenten. Great! It's the person I was looking for. I thought.

"Tenten. Hi. Can we talk?" She nodded.

We found a bench and sat beside each other.

"So what's up? It's rare that you and I are talking dontcha think?"

"Hmm yeah! Hehe. But this is about Hinata." I looked away. She giggled.

"You finally understand?"

"What do you mean understand? Sakura told me that Hinata has been giving me signs but I don't know what those signs are and what it means. You're her best friend, can you tell me what it means?" I said calmly. I'm really clueless all around.

She did a face palm."Seriously Naruto you are the stupidest teenager alive. Think for once."

"I really don't get it -ttebayo" I pouted.

"NARUTO! Remember last Valentines day when she gave you her special homemade  chocolate cake? Or every Christmas she gives you a whole pack of cup ramen? Oh! And how Hinata behaves whenever she's near you. She turns red then faints. And she is always watching you from afar which I think is stalking...I MEAN NOTHING!! I shouldn't have said that. Crap Hinata will kill me." Tenten looked worried and I laughed because of that reaction.

I thought of it for a while. Yeah she's been giving stuffs to me and I always love it when she gives me ramen and the cake was delicious. I should repay her somethime though. But the stalking part was confusing to me.

"Wait.. Hinata is watching me from afar... Like stalking? Why would she stalk me? And I thought Hinata gives me those gifts in a friendly matter. Are you saying that she wants to be closer to me?" I asked.. I looked at Tenten and her face looks like she's about to blow.

"YOU FUCKING IDIOT! SHE'S IN LOVE WITH YOU ASSHOLE!! Get it?! But the part where you said that she wants to be closer to you is correct too."

"In love? Hinata's in love with me?" I turned scarlet red. I never knew someone would be in love with a lonely idiot like me.

"YES. She is. Since the day you two first met." She smirked which made me go red even more.

"S-so.. U-uhmm... She's in love with me."


"Are you sure? Maybe you're just joking."

"Why would I make jokes about Hinata's feelings? She's my best friend."

"Oh.." Then I looked away again. Then there was awkwardness in the air.

Tenten put her right hand on my shoulder and I looked back at her. She gave me a reassuring smile. Gentle and calm.

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