3- Craigslist

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Two Weeks Later

I huffed in frustration as I angrily closed my laptop. Apparently my band had a meeting, without me I might add, and decided it'd be best for us to break up. They thought that we were going nowhere and it would be best to quit now and try to make something else work.

Thanks for getting my input guys.

I angrily pushed my chair away from my desk and walked into my small kitchen. I opened up a cabinet and pulled out a packet of fruit snacks, the very same kind I had battled for a couple weeks ago.

I scowled at that memory; the bruises from being tackled to the floor and run over with that stupid cart had just gone away. I had to wait till the next day and go to a different store to get my fruit snacks and everything else I needed.

Oh well, at least I have them now. I ripped open the packet and plopped down on my couch. I turned on the TV and mindlessly skimmed through the channels; there wasn't much on.

After all the gummies were gone, I didn't know what to do. There was nothing on TV that was holding my interest, and normally I had band practice in an hour. But now, I had nothing to do.

I guess I should go pick up my drums from Tim's house. I sent him a text asking when I could come get them, he replied almost instantly and said anytime.

I decided just to go ahead and get them now, that way I could grab some dinner while I was out. I really don't feel like cooking tonight.

I actually don't feel like cooking most nights, but I do anyways. I slipped on my black vans, grabbed my truck keys off the counter, and headed off to Tim's place.

When I got to his, or should I say his parent's, house, I went around back to the converted tool shed we used as a practice space. It was already unlocked, so I began the tedious process of taking my drum set apart and loading it into my car.

Tim never came out to help me or even apologize for meeting without me. He is really getting on my nerves today. But, eventually, I got everything loaded up.

As I drove to Taco Bell (of course) to grab some dinner, I thought about what to do next. I couldn't tell my parents we broke up until I had a new band to play for, they always told me a music career wouldn't work out, which only made me more determined to succeed.

Until then, I was working at Guitar Center in order to pay the rent for my crappy apartment, gas for my truck, and all my food. My parents were nice enough to still pay my phone bill and insurance. That won't last forever though, eventually they'll make me go to school so I can get a "real job" and "make real money" as they put it.

I haven't seen any band's flyers posted around for auditions or anything, so I guess I'll have to dig around online, as sketchy as that can sometimes be.

I went through the drive-through at Taco Bell, wanting to just get back home as quickly as possible and start looking for a new band. When I got back to my apartment, I have never been more thankful that I live on the first floor. Unloading was quicker than loading since I didn't have to take them apart or put them together.

I had no space to set up my drums in my apartment, so I just had to stack everything up as neatly as I could in the corner of my bedroom, not leaving much room for me to walk around. I need to find a new band fast.

After my drums were situated, I sat at the kitchen counter to eat. I was so hungry that I made quick work of the food, and was soon left with just greasy wrappers. I threw everything away and went into my bedroom where my laptop was.

I opened it back up, scowling at the sight of the stupid email, why they sent an email and not a text is beyond me, before deleting it and going to Google.

After an hour or two of digging through looking for local bands that needed help, I was coming up empty handed. I went to my last ditch-effort website.


Tyler's POV

I turned off the microphone and set my ukulele down on my desk beside me. Plugging in my headphones, I listened to the recording, pleased with how the quality turned out.

After listening through the whole track, I was finally satisfied with that piece. It's only taken me four days to get just right. I had the piano already recorded and done, but I need one more thing before I do vocals.

Drums. I don't play the drums.

I had some pretty good ideas of what I wanted and what could work, but I needed someone to bounce those ideas off of and to give more input. I needed someone who could execute those ideas.

Also, I don't have my own drum set, and considering I just spent all my money on this microphone I won't have the money anytime soon. Until then, I'm stuck with some boring pattern I can throw together on my small, crappy soundboard. I needed a new one of those too.

I know so many of my songs could be improved, but I don't have anyone to help me. I've asked friends, and they've asked their friends, but have turned up empty handed. I even put up some posts on social media and asked family members, still nothing.

At this point I'm getting desperate. I've improved so much over the past couple of years, music is all I want to do, and I know with the right help we could make it big.

I just know it.

So, with my options running thin, I turned to the last place I'd think of.


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