Halo rage

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Warning! Crapy work because I'm lazy and bored.

  Eren had invited his boyfriend Levi over to play Halo 4 with him because he was bored and wanted to chill with his boyfriend.
  Levi rarely plays video games because unlike Eren, he actually has a life. So there they were, sitting on Eren's leather couch playing Halo 4 with Eren helping Levi most of the time.
  Because Levi doesn't play a lot of video games and is pretty sucky at the game, he was getting frustrated. He kept dying while Eren kept getting the good weapons and all the kills, rarely ever dying.
  Finally, Levi got the energy sword. Finally he had got a decent weapon that doesn't involve aiming and the stress of having enough bullets.
  Levi followed Eren around like a lost puppy in the game, which annoyed the shit out of him.
  They walked into an elevator and Levi just so happened to not step far enough into the elevator and the doors closed on him, killing him instantly.
  Eren was practically dying of laughter at the stupid and pathetic death, which set Levi over the edge. He was DONE.
  Growling in frustration, Levi threw his controller at the TV, shattering it. Eren sat shocked, but still continued to laugh at his boyfriends temper.
  "You have to pay for that you know." Eren said trying his best to hold in his laughter. Levi, who was much calmer now, sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.
  Then an idea came into Levi's head and he smirked. "Oh I'll pay for it~"
  Eren blushed darkly. Levi took Erens hand and lead them to his bedroom, where they spent the rest of their time doing dirty shit.

I have to give credit to my brother for this actually. We were playing Halo 4 and I died that way with the elevator and my brother came up with this situation and I wrote it on here. It's short, but I'm bored and tired, so whatever. Plus I haven't updated shit in a while so, eh.

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