Save Me.....Mate

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Imagine meeting your beloved on the side of a bridge. One night you were just walking, when all of a sudden you hear sobbing. Now normally I would have ignored this, but I was curious. The sobbing led me to a bridge, and in return led me to my beloved. 

She was beautiful, with her long wavy black hair, and big brown eyes. But they were missing something. Something that I’ve seen a million times. Hell I see it every time I look into the mirror. They were lifeless, dead. 

She saw me and froze. I froze to, only for a different reason. Her eyes started to turn black, and then she uttered one word that changed me. 


My beloved was a furry ass, over grown mutt. She wasn’t a vampire like me, so how could fates give me her? Why would they give me, a Royal Prince, a werewolf for a beloved? 

A heartbreaking whimper made me refocus on the world around me, instead of the world of thoughts. My mate was staring at me a heartbroken expression. Only when my face twisted into a frown did I know why. Previously my face was twisted into a scowl, my upper lip curled up into a silent snarl. 

She thought I was rejecting her, when in reality, I didn’t know what I was going to do. But I did know that I felt something snap in me when she backed up a tiny step, bringing her on the tip of the bridge's edge. She was still staring at me with that broken look. 

"I’m sorry. I’m so, so, sorry. You obviously don’t deserve a mate like me, I mean look at me! You probably have some wonderful girlfriend out there that your just hoping was your beloved, but then I came along and ruin it, just like everything else! I leave, I continue on with my plan. You can be happy, have kids and have the perfect girl you deserve. Forget about me, I mean I’m not something special." She whispered, forcefully. Her eye's were glistening with tear's and I noticed her voice crack when she mentioned a girlfriend, kid's, and me forgetting about her. 

I was about to step toward her when her eye's focused on something behind me. I saw a tear drop and she nodded her head slightly. She focused back on me, her eye's showing her sorrow and pain. She whispered something, but I only heard it after she leaned backwards, falling off the bridge in the process. 

'I will always remember you mate." 

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