ღChoosing how to liveღ (Vampire Diaries)

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ღChoosing how to liveღ-Prologue

Dear Diary

Today will be different it has to be, It's been 4 months since are accident and since my parents left us. I can no longer be the sad little girl that lost her parents I have to be strong for my brother Jason. I feel alone although I'm anything but that I know someone that is going through the same thing as me and that's my best friend Elena Gilbert. Let me explain how are parents died, after me and Elena decided to ditch family night we went to a party but when we got stranded we decided to call are parents but we didn't expect are car to lose control and dump into willow creek. It was a miracle of how I and Elena survived but are guilt constantly washes over us. If we haven't had went to that party Elena and Jeremy would still their parents and Jason and I would have are parents back. But all the pain has to go away right? It has to I know my parents wouldn't have wanted me or Jason suffering over their death but how can we not we were left alone in this cruel world. We may be still grieving over are parents death but it seems like the whole town has moved on and maybe that's a sign that we should too. Change is in the air I can sense it, the sun shines brighter the birds seem to chirp louder and the sky seems bluer. Today is the day I will start my new happy life I feel stronger and powerful maybe it was just me remembering all the folk lore my mom used to tell me about vampire, werewolves and witches but I felt different, a good different, like I can face the world all by myself , today WILL be different I just hope its good.


Sincerely, Skye Stewart

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