ღChoosing how to liveღThe Night of the Comet- Part 1

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ღChoosing how to liveღ (The Night of the Comet-Part 1)

Disclaimer: I don't own the Vampire Diaries (but I wish I did especially Damon) :P

3rd Persons POV

As the light shimmered down on Skye Stewarts face all she could think about was him, not knowing that in that very moment Stefan Salvatore did the same thing.


''Dear diary this morning is different although I said this yesterday and I will repeat it again because deep down in my heart I know that change is here and I'm more than happy to welcome it.''


''For the first time in a long time I feel completely and undeniably wide awake''


''For once I don't regret the day before it begins.''


''I welcome the day''

(Skye & Stefan)

''Because I know I will see him/her again''


''For the first time in a long time I feel good''

Having a joyful smile on her face she stood up once more putting her diary away in her not so secret hiding place on the top shelf of her bookcase and looking at her reflection once more noticing her stormy grey eyes popping out with a slight happiness that matched the way she dressed, some grey skinny jeans with a bright turquoise shirt that had HOPE in huge black letter and her black ankle boots with her leather jacket finishing it off with her hair in its natural loose curls.

She was ready for the day and what was coming to her.

Skye's POV

I decided to embrace my new found confidence and happiness and keep it like that the whole day even if it killed me. I skipped downstairs bumping into my brother he smiled at me as he kissed my forehead good morning.

''you seem happy'' he says looking at me suspiciously.

I smirk and adjust my book bag ''I feel happy so I'm embracing it, you can say I'm walking on sunshine or something like that''.

He chuckled and went into his bedroom again.

'hm I wonder what he does in there?' I thought, smiling in the process.

I grabbed my book bag and headed for the door after hearing bonnie was there for me along with Elena.

I couldn't resist his forest green eyes; I glanced to my right looking at the guy that has done so much to me in so little time of knowing him. Stefan, he looked back at me giving me one of his bright smiles that seemed to cause one of my own smiles.

Feeling like we were the only two people in this bright class room with only Mr. Tanner's voice as a faint noise in the back of my head, we continued to gaze at each other. That is until I heard Stefan's name being called and soon after mine causing are attention to focus on Tanner.

"our we bothering you Mister Salvatore, Miss Stewart?'' he asked, his face clearly showing his disapproval.

I shook my head clearly embarrassed but a small smile crept on my face as the bell rung and glancing back at Stefan as he had the same face as me.

''I brought it, like I told you'' spoke Stefan as we walked down the hallway.

I grabbed the medium book from his hand glancing at the cover of it, Stefan giving me a knowing glance.

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