ღChoosing how to liveღThe Pilot-Part 1

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A/N:Heyyyy!!! So I have this story posted on two other sites and I get good feedback so what the heck?! Why don't I just post it here for fun :D. Anyways I like doing chapters in parts cuz that's just how I roll :P the way each chapter is displayed is pretty crappy BUT! I promise by the 3 chapter there fixed with less grammar problems and stuff like that (I'm just to lazy to fix the first two or three chapters.) So as soon as a I get one vote or comment OR both I will have the next part up in a flash. I'm done with my ranting so you can continue and read awesome peoplez!!!!!!

PS:Had some help in this story! From my bff on another website. She is my beta!!! Lolz.



Closing my diary and putting it away in my night stand I took one more satisfied glance in the mirror at my appearance I wore a pink and black floral shirt that hugged my bust line but flowed loosely around my stomach with some light skinny jeans and my black flats with my anklet my dad gave me for my 10 birthday. I nodded to myself and went downstairs grabbing a glass of orange juice and listening to my iPod I sat on the counter and just let the music calm my nerves. I sat there for a moment longer until I was joined by my brother Jason ''hey Skye how ya holding up?'' he said looking worried I smiled and got off patting his head ''I'm doing better J.J how about you'' he kissed my forehead and said ''just glad you're doing better'' he grabbed some coffee and said ''I'll be back by 7:30 if I have to stay later than that at work I'll call you ok'' he said giving me a stern look I smiled and said ''yes sir!'' he chuckled and said ''that's my baby sis'' I smiled and he walked off taking his backpack outside ''I'll see you later have a good first day of school'' I smiled and waved at him as he slowly closed the door. When he left I let out a breath 'everything will get better' I kept on repeating to myself I then hear a car horn outside my house I straighten my clothes and grabbed my book bag and walked out the house seeing my other best friend bonnie with Elena in the passenger seat waving for me to hurry up I smiled and ran off and opened the back seat door and sat down smiling at them and soon we were on the road.

Listening to the soft melody of The Fray-Never say Never I looked out the window not bothering to listen to bonnie and Elena's conversation I had lost interest when she said she was physic especially when we were passing the cemetery memories soon passed through my mind until I was interrupted by someone calling mine and Elena's name ''Skye, Elena! back in the car'' I took out my ear phone and smiled sheepishly at her ''I was doing it again right I'm sorry bonnie'' she nodded while smiling I then continue ''you were telling us-'' she finished my sentence and said ''that I'm physic now'' I smiled and said ''ok fine predict something about me and Elena anything'' she let out a breath and eyed both Elena and I and said ''I see-'' but then everything happened so fast first there was a loud thud and soon we were swerving out of control we all gasped and I closed my eyes squeezing my seat belt tight until we came to a sudden stop I open my eyes and I hear bonnie say ''what was that!, oh my god Skye, Elena are you two ok?'' Elena nodded and said ''I'm fine'' bonnie looked shaken but as me ''it was like a bird or something it came out of nowhere'' Elena spoke again ''really im fine, were fine, we can't be freaked out by cars for the rest of our lives''. Bonnie looked at me and I nodded in agreement she grabs my hand and says ''are you sure your ok?'' I let out a shaky breath and said ''y-yes I'm fine what matters is that it wasn't serious'' she gave me a proud smile and said ''I predict this year is going to be kick-ass and I predict all the sad and darks times are over and you're going to be beyond happy, both of you will'' she said glancing now at Elena she turned back to me and I gave her a thankful smile and soon enough we were back on the road.

'The same old Mystic Falls high school' I thought happily to myself Elena was talking to bonnie while she got her books out of her locker I then hear ''he hates me'' I turn around and see Matt slightly glare at Elena as he slams his locker door and walks off I turn and smile reassuringly at Elena ''don't say that he doesn't hate you'' bonnie then added ''yeah that's not hate that's 'you dumped and I'm too cool to show it' look he gave you'' I giggled and so did Elena until we hear a loud Caroline yelling over to us ''Skye! Elena! '' Caroline comes and nearly chokes me to death in a hug and soon it was Elena's turn in a bone crushing hug from the mighty Caroline ''oh my god how are you two'' I was about to answer until she turns to bonnie asking ''how are they, are they doing better?'' I cut in and say ''hello Caroline were right here'' Elena nodded and said ''I'm fine thank you'' I almost believed her she must have been practicing, but I nodded in agreement. Caroline nodded and said ''ok see you guys later'' and with one more cheerful smile she walked off we waved at Caroline and when we turn back to bonnie my smile falls and bonnie lets out a laugh and so does Elena ''no comment now let's go''.

As we walked down the hallway bonnie stopped us ''why are we stopping'' I asked bonnie then said ''who is THAT'' Elena looked and said ''all I see is back'' I nodded In agreement but bonnie continued ''but that's a hot back'' I smiled and she continued ''I'm sensing Seattle and plays the guitar'' Elena turned towards her and said ''you're really going to run this whole physic thing to the ground'' bonnie shrugged and said ''pretty much'' but Elena's smiled faded and soon she said ''I'll be back'' I turn to see where she was going and it was to follow Jeremy to the men's restroom I sign I hear bonnie mumble many times ''please be hot'' after a few minutes I see Jeremy storm out the restroom not before glancing at me and giving me a sad look before he went outside I turn around and was about to go after him but I then bump into a hard chest. I look up and meet the greenest emerald green eyes I've ever seen looking straight into my stormy grey eyes. He was very handsome he looked dazed by me like if he had seen me before but soon he has an apologetic face and says ''excuse me I didn't see you'' I smile and say ''its ok my name is Skye Stewart nice to meet you'' he smiled a dizzyingly smile and said ''I'm Stefan Salvatore nice to meet you as well'' I smiled at him once before he walks past me and walks down the hall but before he takes one more glance at me but as he does he bumps into Elena I giggle as she stutters over her words to explain why she was in the men's bathroom.

After school ended and being constantly told by bonnie and Elena that Stefan was looking at me we decided we would meet at the grill to talk about the party in the woods. I went straight home walking into my empty house this was the hardest part of coming home not seeing my dad read the news paper or seeing my mom in the kitchen making something delicious like she always, and seeing my brother not home made it worse trying to get us threw everything right now. I went upstairs to my room I plopped on my bed and buried my face on the pillow just thinking and letting the silence calm me. I slept but I woke up suddenly from a squawk outside I rubbed my eyes and looked outside and saw a beautiful crow, I looked at the clock and say it was 8:00pm I rushed out of bed and fixed my loose curls and went straight to my car but with the urge I was still watched but I paid no attention to it and went straight to the grill meeting my friends.

When I got into the grill I saw Matt talking to bonnie he glanced at me and left. I sat next to bonnie and whispered as Matt passed us ''what's his problem?'' she shrugged and said ''he still isn't over Elena'' I nodded Caroline then clears her throat ''like I was saying, Stefan Salvatore's favorite color is blue, he lives in the old boarding house with his uncle Zach he hasn't been here since he was little, military family so they moved a lot , he's a Gemini and were planning a June wedding'' I just nodded but smiled while giggling with Elena until I saw Caroline's smile fade I look at where she was looking at and I see Elena walking with Stefan, Matt then whispered in Bonnie's ear and says ''just give her sometime'' he rolled his eyes and walked right in front of Elena and Stefan and he greeted Stefan but just gave a simple nod to elena. I gave Elena a sympathetic smile and she just let her shoulders falls as she walked to us I glance at Stefan and see his eyes gleam I gave him a small smile as he sat next to me with Elena on the other side of me. Caroline started to interrogate Stefan ''so you haven't lived her since you were little?'' Stefan nodded and said ''yes I just moved back '' bonnie then asked ''parent's?'' Stefan's face slightly fell ''they passed away'' he said looking at Elena and I, I nodded not knowing what to say because I know the constant nagging of people throwing out there apologizes to you and not really meaning it but either way I still felt bad ''I'm sorry'' I said he nodded and gave me a halfhearted smile. Elena then continued ''do you have any siblings'' Stefan nodded in no ''none that I talk too'' I nodded we stared into each other's eyes for a second but got cut off by Caroline ''so Stefan since your new here I'm guessing you don't know about the party tonight'' Caroline batted her eyelashes at Stefan bonnie nodded and said ''it's a back to school thing at the falls'', Stefan leaned back and looked at me ''are you going Elena is?'' I was about to answer but Bonnie answered for me ''of course she is'' I gave her a playful annoyed smile while she just smiled victoriously I moved a stray strand of my hair in back of my ear and smiled at Stefan nodding showing I was going to that party he gave me a sweet smile that made me get butterflies. I was actually excited for tonight.

A/N: so what did you think? Yeah it could use some work but don't worry the chapters get better. Pinky promise. So don't stop reading. PS:no hateful comments. Don't like it don't read :D

Also don't own the vampire diaries just my characters :) that's all. BYEE!

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