ღChoosing how to liveღThe Pilot-Part 2

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After are little meeting at the Mystic Grill we all head home for a change of clothes and we would all soon head back to the venue of the party. When I unlocked the door Jason was flipping through the channels of are tv ''hey sis how was your first day at school?'' I smile and say ''it was nice a lot of old faces and people I missed, how was your first day of college slash work?'' he chuckled and said ''it was boring but I'm so tired I think I'm going to crash early'' I nodded he turned off the TV and while he passed me he kissed my forehead but I stopped him as he was half way up the stairs ''um J.J I'm going to a party tonight is that ok?'' he smiled at me and said ''yeah have some fun your young just don't drink ok'' I nod and say ''wasn't planning too'' he nodded and continued to walk upstairs to his room. I went to my room and grabbed a pair of fresh clothes a jean skirt with some black leggings I got my red shirt and put on a black undershirt for it and a black jacket on top with some black flats I brushed threw my long brown loose curls and soon I was ready to go. I went and checked on Jason and sure enough he was knocked out in his bed the only sound that was heard was the low snoring he gave off, a small smile appeared on my face as I shut the door to my peaceful sleeping brother.

It was a chillin night and as I walked into the clearing I saw many familiar faces having fun and not having a care in the world. I spotted bonnie with Elena where the huge fire was at I walked over to them and gave them a smile ''hey gals'' they all let out a small laugh and say ''well someone is cheery'' I roll my eyes at them and soon bonnie nudges me on the side ''so have you seen your hottie?'' I slightly blush but it's a good thing the light was dim and we were outside ''ok he's a little pretty'' Elena rolls her eyes and says ''he has a romance novel stare'' I let out another laugh bonnie joins and looks around us a little more serious ''so where is he?'' I shrug and say ''I don't know he said he would be here'' Elena smirks and says ''well tell her since you're the physic one'' I nod in agreement she gave us a goofy smile and says ''oh right I forgot, alright give me a sec grams says I have to concentrate'' I stop her and say ''wait all physics need a need a crystal ball'' she giggles and I look around and I find an empty beer bottle I grab it and say ''Ta-Da'' she smiles I reach out and give it too her are fingers touch and mine and her hands never leave the bottle she then had a blank stare but soon Elena called her name and bonnie instantly pulled her hand away from the bottle ''are you ok?'' bonnie looks at me freaked out and says ''that was weird, when I touched you I saw a crow and fog?'' I chill ran down my spin when I remembered the crow that was sitting in my window sill I look at Elena and she looked as freaked out as we all were Elena then stutters ''w-what?'' bonnie repeats it ''a crow, fog and a man, I'm drunk it's the drinking its nothing physic about it'' another shiver went down my spine I've seen the fog and the crow but never a man, she takes the bottle away from me and says nervously ''im going to get a refill'' I nod while Elena chases after her I let out a sign and turn around, my heart almost comes out my chest there stood Stefan looking at me with a sweet smile ''hey'' I let out a breath I was holding in and say ''hi'' he smiles and says kinda embarrassed ''I did it again?'' I nod and say ''just like how we met'' he chuckles and I smile back but the smile slowly faded he looked at me worriedly ''your upset about something'' I nod and say ''oh uh no its just bonnie she's....you know what never mind you're here'' I needed to stop worrying so much, he smiles at me and says ''yes im here'' I smile back at him. I have never truly smiled so much since my parents have left me.

''You know your kinda the talk of the town'' he chuckles and say ''am i?'' I nod ''uhm mysterious new guy oh yeah'' I let out a small laugh as we walked along the dirt path ''well you have the mysterious thing going to, the sadness'' I slightly frown and look at my cup of water ''uh what makes you think I'm sad?'' ''well I met Elena at the grave yard visiting her parents...and yours'' I nod and say ''well you don't want to know its no exactly party chit chat'' we were now walking on the bridge of the Water falls in the forest the bridge was covered in lights it was beautiful Stefan gave me a small smile and says ''well ive never been good at chit chat'' I nod and let out a shaky breath ''last spring are parents car drove off a bridge into the lake, me and Elena were in the back seat we survived and they didn't'' I said with a small shrug so that's my story'' we both come to a stop as I gazed into his emerald eyes he looked sorrowful but the next thing took me by surprise ''you won't be sad forever Skye'' he said with sincerity it wasn't an option not to believe him I nod as we continued to gaze at each other.

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