(30) Something To Cry For

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Chapter Thirty

God, I can't believe this is thirty chapters...

Remember guys, the Watty Awards is ending in fifteen days. There are about four chapters left, so make sure you vote please! I was told by Wattpad I am a potential finalist. You guys are the absolute best a girl could ask for. I love you guys. And I’m tearing up saying this, but I really, really love you guys. <3



The cold woke me up. My senses heightened, one by one. I could smell Peppermint and cocoa. Hot cocoa.

Then I realized my muscles were very sore. It felt like I’d been lying down forever. Hm, this was new. My mouth was also very dry, and my throat felt parched. I really needed a glass of water, and soon.

The next thing I felt were my blankets. Instead of their usual velvety feel, they felt like cotton. The type you feel on hotel beds. Instead of gliding with my skin as I stretched, they chaffed and burned my arms. The crick in my neck was an eternity worse. It felt like I’d been hammered there or something. Maybe I’d slept wrong.

Wait. Slowly, everything started clicking together. My house smelt different. My sheets felt different.

Ifelt different.

It took some work to open my eyes – it felt like they were glued together. But finally, once my eyelids spread and I looked upon my room, I saw that it was different.

Way different.

Everything was gone, packed up in boxes that said they contained things that belonged in my room. Some said “Hailee’s clothes,” others, “Decorations,” and so on.

My head snapped to my desk. I grinned at the sight.

There was no damn vase.

Before I let myself get too excited, I stood up from my bed, going to my door and opening it. Strange. Mr. Meowsir wasn’t there.

I padded down the hallway, and I heard the strange murmuringof a television. It was on the news, I could hear the tired voices of the reporters as they brought us the grim daily news.

Once I got to the corner that turns into my kitchen, I took a deep breath. Now this could go two different ways, Hailee, I told myself. You could be back, but then again, maybe you aren’t. I braced myself for both.

I took a step and turned my head to the right. And there she was, my mother, dressed in her house sweatshirt and pajamas. She wasn’t wearing that ugly yellow thing she always did. She wasn’t wearing it.

I was back…

“Mom?” I said softly, not caring if my voice broke.

Her head turned in my direction so quickly, I was surprised she didn’t snap her neck. While she was doing so, she took in a sharp inhale of breath. The whole action in itself was completely dramatic. Then her lip started quivering, her eyes tearing up. “Hailee?”

I smiled weakly, shock weakening every muscle in my body. “Yes mom,” I said, breaking into a fit of a mixture between laughter and sobs. “It’s me.”

“Oh, Hailee!” she threw her hands up, running over to me and wrapping me inhug so tight, I could have sworn she was going to strangle me.

We cried in each other’s arms, our sobs coming in waves. I couldn’t believe I was back. I just couldn’t believe it! I thought it was impossible.

But here I was, crying in my mother’s arms. Something I’d never thought I would do ever again.

It was sweet. The reunion, I mean. After we were done crying, she looked me in the eyes and brushed back my hair.

“We’ll have to come up with some sort of story for this,” she said.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“Well, we can’t simply tell everyone you ran away. That would be-“

“Wait. Mom,you really think I ran away?” I asked, incredulous.

“Sweetie, there is no time for stories right now. We’ll have to-“

“Listen to me.”

“-get this out to the press and hold interviews and everything. I know! We’ll tell them you were lost. Well, no. That would make you seem like you are some sort of mentally challenged person. And we don’t want that, obviously. Maybe we could-“

“Mom!”I yelled. “Listen to me!”

“What, Hailee?” she asked, giving me a look. “I’m thinking. Hold on a second.”

“No. You hold on a second,” I said boldly. “I come back after I am missing, and all you do is focus on the politics? You are despicable,” I said.

“Now, Hailee-“

“Where’s dad?” I interjected.

“Well, he’s-“

“Where’s dad?” I asked once again, louder this time. I was not going to let my mother do this to me. Not this time.

“He’s not here,” my mother said timidly, folding her hands together.

“You guys did it, didn’t you?” I asked. “You went through with the divorce?”

“Oh, Hailee!” she exclaimed. “How did you know?”

“I heard you guys,” I returned hardly.


“The day I d- I mean… went missing,” I said.

My mother put her hands on her face and shook her head. “I wish I would have known.”

“Known what?” I asked.

“That you ran away because of that. Sweetie, I know it must have been hard for you, but-“

I didn’t hear the rest of that, as I was going through the front door.

Running. Far, far away from here.


Ok guys, sorry about the shortness D:

But I just don’t want it to end. I’ve decided to split up the chapters, so there will be more than three now. There will be three more big things that happen. Maybe four, I don’t know. But there are a few major things that still need to happen. The final chapter is one I will not be splitting up though. I think that one needs to be together to have the full effect.

So what did ya’ll think? Did her mom tick you off? I would have slapped her. D:<

Gah. The things that are about to come are going to surprise you guys so much. But anyways, I’m gonna stop ranting.


I punched in his number and waited as the phone rang.

“Hello?” I heard his familiar voice say.

“Daddy?” I said, my voice breaking. “Daddy, it’s me, Hailee.”

“Hailee?” my father asked. I knew in the way his voice was tightening, that his throat was too. He was onthe verge of tears. “Where in God’s sakes have you been?”

“I’ll tell you about that later,” I said, looking around. There were people looking at me with confused expressions as if I was some ghost wandering the streets.

I laughed at my thoughts. That was exactly what I was.

ANYWAYS!... please vote! :D :D It means so much :)

Byeeee <3

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