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(The song just because 😀
It's Without me By Eminem.😎😶)

In this world anyone and everyone has to make decisions whether we like it or not; whether we liked our decision or not. You can't change what you said or did. Sometimes even I wish I wouldn't have made that decision that day.. but if I had the chance would I really wanna change it?
"I'm leaving the gang.." I said only a little above a whisper.
"WHAT!? After all we've been through! You're just leaving! You can't leave! What about all those banks we robbed? All those people that died because of us!? Vanoss screamed at me. This is exactly why I want to leave. I want to forget what I've done. Start over. "You can't leave. We can't trust you enough. What if you tell on us!"
"Vanoss you know I wo-" I didn't finish my last word before Vanoss was talking again. "Ok..listen Delirious..I'll give you a week to think this through. So go home and relax. BUT! Think about it!" Okay that gives me a little time to think..but is it enough?..of course it is Delirious you know what you want. My mind said but is my brain always right? Of course not...
"Okay thanks Vanoss.. see ya later." I waved as I walked out the door. As I was walking I was thinking about what decision I was going to make. You may be wondering why I want to even leave the gang... well I'm not just Delirious. Some call me... Batcoon.

(Please let me know if there's any errors and if I should continue! 😀)

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