Day one

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(Delirious' Rise of Batcoon Video.😋)

It was day one of my seven days off. I was dressed as Batcoon; I had my Raccoon mask on and my suit. Standing beside me was my sidekick Teddy. He was my best friend; of course he's dressed as a Teddy bear why else would I call him that? In the teddy costume is my real best friend Luke. He is the only one that knows I'm in vanoss' gang and Batcoon. I'm not a well known super hero but I love to help people not hurt them. That's why I want out of the gang.. don't get me wrong I love the guys but it hurts me to know I've hurt someone and their whole family.
I was snapped out of my thoughts when Luke started talking. "Hey Jon isn't that Vanoss and the rest of em'?" I forgot to mention that Jonathan is my real name. Delirious is what the gang calls me. I looked at the bank below and yeah there was the whole crew. To bad I have to stop them.
"Lets go TeddyHoe." I held in my laugh; waiting for Luke's reaction. "SHUT UP! YOU'RE LUCKY I EVEN PUT THIS COSTUME ON!" Luke yelled. I chuckled "Alright, let's go Teddy Bear." We jumped off the building and started running to the bank. When we got there people were on the ground some were shaking like leafs; some were crying; some were doing both. I hope they didn't hurt anyone because it kills me to know I couldn't do anything.
"Who are you two?" Vanoss said when he noticed us.
"I'm Batcoon and this is my sidekick Teddy Bear." I said with pride.
"Why are you here?"
"To stop you!" I yelled as I flipped him on his back. He groaned and stood up. He threw a punch at me. I caught his hand and flipped him again. "Not so good at close up combat I assume." I chuckled.
"Ugh relax Batcoon we're leaving.." he said. I knew he was just leaving so he could train for the next time he sees me.
I heard him as he was walking out the door; he was talking into a Mic that was on his head. "Guys meet out front this mission's a fail. I repeat abort mission." Me and Luke watched as they all got in their van and drove off. "How do you know they won't rob someone else?" Luke asked "I just know Teddy...I just know" but I really didn't know. I just didn't want the cops to get them or hurt them. "GO BATCOON!" I heard someone scream. Then everyone else started cheering with him. Some were screaming for Teddy too. Me and Luke walked out the doors and when no one was looking we went into an abandoned building. "Okay let's take these off fast." I said as I pulled of my mask. We always leave our normal clothes under our costumes so we can change fast. When we were done we put our costumes in Luke's backpack and started walking home like nothing happened.
My last thought before we walked in the house was 'soon everyone will know Batcoon and Teddy Bear'.

(Hope you enjoyed)

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