Day Two

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I woke up with the smell of bacon flowing through my nose. I smiled when I walked into the kitchen and seen my roommate Luke of course fixing breakfast. "Mornin." I greeted him.
"Good Morning Jon! Ready for breakfast!" He said happily.
"Um...yeah..sure but what are you so happy about?"
"Well I feel like today will be a great day!" I smiled at his happiness and shrugged. "Take a seat and enjoy breakfast Jonny boy." He laughed and set down with his breakfast. I bit into my bacon. "This is great Luke and thanks for making me some pancakes too."
"No problem man." He said while biting into his food.
The rest of breakfast was quiet; then we went to the living room and watched some tv.
I heard the door open and close which freaked me out because who doesn't knock because Luke is beside me.
I gave Luke a look that said get ready. I grabbed a baseball bat that was close to the couch and went the door.
I got ready to swing till I noticed who it was.
"Evan? What are you doing here?" I asked and put the bat down.
"I just wanted to see my two best buddies." I gave him a look as to say 'what do you really want?'.
"Fine. I just wanted to inform you that there's a new threat to the crew. He calls himself Batcoon and has a dumb sidekick he calls teddy bear." I looked at Luke quickly and smiled at Evan.
"Thanks for letting me know..But what are you going to do?" I was nervous for the answer, I knew Luke was too.
"As much as I hate too but we're going to kill him. To much of a threat, if we don't we will lose all our money. So if you don't mind I'd like you and even Luke to come train with the rest of us."
I felt sick to my stomach..
"Um..Yeah, Yeah of course. See you later Evan."
"Bye Del. Remember tomorrow Morning is training!" He said happily.
"Yes sir!" I said. He smiled and patted me on the back then walked out the door.
I looked a Luke with a sad face.
"What are we going to do jon? He's going to kill us!" Luke said nervously.
"I know..I know we'll figure something out." I said as I set down on the couch and put my head in my hands.
"Yeah.." that was the last thing I heard from Luke for a while. But I knew we were both trying to figure out how we could change Evans mind about killing Batcoon and Teddy Bear without hurting him or being suspicious.
"Yeah today is great.." I sarcastically mumbled.

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