Day Three

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(The last chapter was short so I'm continuing it 😄)

'Here we go.'
I walked into Evans house with Luke; everyone was sitting around playing some games. Me and Luke greeted them and they greeted us with 'heys' and 'sups'
"Hey! You guys ready to train?" Evan asked us.
"Actually there's something we need to tell you guys.." I think I might puke. Luke noticed "how bout we all take a seat." I set down in the floor and everyone was looking at me and Luke. Luke set down beside me and nudged me with his elbow. "Uh..okay guys don't be mad but..Luke and I are..."
"Are what? Spit it out!" Evan yelled. "Give him time Evan" Mini said.
"T-thanks mini" he nodded.
"I'm Batcoon and Luke is teddy bear.." the guys looked at us wide eyed.
What happened next I didn't think anyone was expecting. Evan punched me. It hurt a lot. I think I'll have a black eye. I stared at him hardly processing what happened. "What the hell Evan! We thought you'd understand!" Luke screamed at him. "Oh I understand alright! You guys are trying to ruin our business!" "That's not-" I tried to say calmly before he cut me off. "I don't care get out! If I ever see you again I'll kill you!" He said while shoving me out the door.
I looked at Luke when Evan closed the door. "Lets go home Jon. I'll check out your eye there.." "alright.." I mumbled while walking to the car.

When we got home Luke made me set on the couch while he looked at my eye. "Luke I'm fine. Really." I said "okay Jon but you agree on still stopping the crew from stealing. Right?" Luke asked.
"Of course!" If I don't die in the process..

-Evans point of view! 😮-
I can't believe I hit my best friend. I can't believe he's Batcoon though. I groaned and rolled on my side. After Jon left I stomped to my room and haven't left since. I may feel bad now but if I ever EVER see him trying to keep us from getting our money I'll kill him! But maybe I'm just acting like this because I'm so shocked..I don't know anymore. Maybe we could become super hero's like Jon. Nah that's a dumb idea. I closed my eyes and thought of what kind of super hero I could be anyway. I'd have my owl mask on and be saving people from danger. They'd thank me and ask me for my name. Then I could be cool and say 'my name's Night Owl!' Wow Night Owl where did that come from? Oh well.. I went to sleep dreaming of the made up super hero, Night Owl.

(Sorry for any mistakes!)

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