Day Seven (Last Day)

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(You must be thinking 'what the hell day seven?' haha 😈)

Bright! Oh gosh, why is it so bright! I blinked a couple more times and I could finally see everything around me. Its a hospital.. the guys where all sitting in chairs around me including Evan. What is he doing here? He tried to kill me! But of course I forgive him. I love the dummy. Wait what? Evan awoke and looked at me with tears in his eyes. "Oh Jon I'm so sorry! I don't know why I did it! You must hate me! I mean I did try to kill you but I'm glad your alive and I'm really sorry!" He kept blabbering on and on.
"Evan stop! Its okay" he kept on talking still. "Evan stop!!" Still talking. I sighed and kissed him to get him to shut up. "Will you shuch up now!" I said. He was blushing. " yeah..I'll 'shuch up'." He smiled at me. "So you forgive me even if I kinda tried to kill you..." He said nervously. "Of course Evan. I love you, you stupid owl." I kissed him again. I heard 'aw's' around us. The guys were awake and they all smiled.
"You forgive to easily Jon." Luke said with a laugh.
"Is that a bad thing?" I said and looked at Evan his face was still red. "Not for me." I heard Evan whisper. I lightly slapped his leg and he smiled at me. I groaned. I was sore from getting shot. "You okay?" Tyler asked me. I looked at him and smiled. "I've never been better." The rest of the guys smiled too.

A nurse came in the door. "Hello Jonathan. I'm glad you're awake. You can leave today, just take it easy." I thanked her and Luke gave me my clothes. I put them on as fast as possible. I was ready to go home.

When we arrived home I grabbed a controller and set on the couch. I looked at Luke and Evan expectantly. They both laughed and rolled their eyes at me.
We played call of duty until about midnight. "Aye is it alright if I stay here tonight?" I heard Evan ask. I think I was falling asleep on his shoulder. "Yeah. Wanna watch some movies?" Luke said.
"Heck yeah."
Then I fell into a peaceful sleep.

(Some H2OVanoss!😮😄😋 also thanks! This story has 50+ reads! 😀)

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