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Me and Evan are together now. We're both really happy.
He doesn't rob anymore. None of the guys do.
That makes me very happy.
That doesn't mean I quit being Batcoon.
All of us..Me and the rest of the guys are hero's. We stop anyone who is causing trouble.
Am I going to do this my whole life?
Of course not. Even the greatest hero's come to a stopping point.
You can't save everyone. No matter how hard you try.
I want to spend lots of time with Evan and our friends.
Maybe adopt a kid one day. (Shh.. don't tell Evan. Haha.)
Even though batcoons story is coming to an end very soon, My story is just beginning.
I have so many thing to do, things to see and I can't wait.
I hope people understand that great things come to an end and that includes Batcoon.

The end.

Hope you enjoyed. ❤

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