Secret Book Club: 8

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The fresh air did distract me and it was a nice change. We waited until it was getting dark before we went back to the house. I opened the door with my rollerblades (I wasn’t planning on returning them to Lacey) in my hand.

“Where were you?” Mom exclaimed as we entered the house. “I made dinner, but you and Danny were both gone and I thought you might have gotten him involved in a case or that something had gone wrong.”

“Mom,” I interrupted, “We’re fine; we were rollerblading.” I left out the part about how I did involve Danny in one of my cases, figuring it would only anger her more.

She sighed, sounding exasperated. “Tell someone next time, okay?”

“Sure, sorry we worried you,” Danny said. He sounded sincere- at least more so than me.

Mom softened up a little. “Alright, go get cleaned up and you can reheat your dinners.” We both agreed and as we brushed past her, I caught a whiff of cologne on her.

“Oh Mom, how was work?” I asked, spinning on my heel. She turned to face me and I noticed how closed off her face was. She reached to turn her earring in a nervous habit.

“It was fine, why do you ask?” She doesn’t look me in the eye.

I raised my eyebrows. “Did you run into officer Colby by any chance?”

Mom’s face paled. “I did, he came by the library to get a book.”

“And you gave him a big old hug, right?”

She shook her head, mouth falling open. “Of course not, Megan, don’t be ridiculous… Can I talk to you alone for a moment?”

“Sure, Danny can you leave?” I gave him an expecting look. He glanced between us before practically running up the stairs. “Alright, what’s up?”

“Colby told me to tell you he wants you off the case because it’s getting too dangerous. He actually called me down to his office,” she said quietly. “Megan you’re a seventeen year old amateur, they are trained professionals. You should be taking this slower.”

Crossing my arms, I straightened my posture. “I am not an amateur! And I’ve already started on this case; I’m not giving it up.”

“He said that you could get hurt, that people were threatening you. He also said your assistant was in danger. He didn’t say who it was exactly.” He had told her who it was, I could tell by the accusing look in her eyes.

“Look, I’ll have it figured out before anyone can hurt me or Danny, okay? Now, I need to go work on it.” I ran up the stairs before she could complain.

Barreling into my room, I found Danny waiting for me in the chair that we’d deemed his. He tossed me something and I caught it on reflex, only to see it was my phone.

 “I knew you would catch that,” he muttered, chuckling. Then his face got serious. “Read the text.” I followed his instructions and saw I had a text from Sam. He wanted to meet up with me as soon as possible and his text made it sound urgent.

I looked up at Danny as I grabbed my jacket. “You want to go find out what’s going on?”

“Sure.” He stood up. “Just let me grab something from my room.” He left, but came back a minute later with two trench coats over his arm. He tossed one to me, “Much more fitting.”

Holding up the long coat, I looked it over with amusement. “Are you serious?”

“Hey, it goes with the whole detective thing and you can fit everything in these pockets,” he pointed out, putting on his brown one. I slid on the one he had given me and rolled up the sleeves.

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