Secret Book Club: 9

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“Megan, you’ve got to make them let me go.” That was the first thing Colby said to me when I entered the interrogation room where he was handcuffed to the desk. His hair was messy and dark circles were present under his eyes.

I stood across from him, unwilling to sit down. Sam stood in a corner of the room and two other cops were in other corners as well. “Whose phone was it?”

“She’ll come after me,” he whispered in a voice filled with fear. I’d never seen him so out of his element before.

“Who will come after you?” I asked harshly. He didn’t answer and I slammed my hands onto the desk, making him jump. “Tell me.”

He started shaking, almost as badly as Kumara had the night she got the text. “She has access to the jails. She was here, but now she’s trying to get to Jim and Kumara.”

“That’s okay, they have guards.”

He shook his head vigorously. “That’s not enough. She’ll get through. Why do you think I’m here? I found out who the leader is, Megan! She framed me and she’s going to frame me for the murder of the Andersons.”

“But you have an alibi, you’re here.”

Colby chuckled darkly. “She’s smart enough to figure it out.”

“Who is it?”

He sighed and looked down at the desk. “I didn’t mean to give her the idea, I swear. I just wanted to solve mysteries.”

“So it’s someone you know?”

He met my eyes. “I’m going to die for telling you this, but her name is-” Suddenly the room went dark, a door opened and a bullet fired. I immediately ducked under the table.

Three more shots were fired as I grabbed my flashlight from one of the pockets in my coat. It took me a minute to find the right one and I wished I’d just stuck with my bag. I flipped it on just as the door was closing shut.

Not giving it a second thought, I rushed out of the room to follow the shooter. I swung open the door only to find myself surrounded by cops. They hurried past me and into the room, distorting my view. The shooter managed to slip away.

I turned back to the room and looked over everything. Colby was dead; he had two bullet wounds; one through his heart and one through his head- perfect aim. Sam was also injured, but his shoulder was only grazed. He was still on his feet. A bullet was imbedded in the wall right behind where my head had been before I ducked.

There was blood everywhere, covering the floors and walls in a way that would make some people’s stomachs churn. I barely noticed it. Sam came over to me, his face scrunched in pain. “Did you see who it was?”

“Maybe, did you see anything?” I asked, glancing around the room again.

“No, but I thought maybe you had.”

Nodding, I assured him, “I did. Go get your shoulder fixed up, I’ll find the killer.”

“Are you sure that’s safe?” He asked. “Just wait a minute and I’ll go with you; I only need a bandage.”

“Oh yes, a cop that can’t shoot will help protect me. Relax, I've got it.” I showed him the top of the pistol in my pocket. Nodding once at him, I promised, “I’ll find her.”

“I know you will,” he mumbled as I pushed past a couple of officers and into the room where the lighting was controlled. It was the same room Danny had been in. I pushed open the door; a cop was passed out on the table. He had no wounds, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t dead. I didn’t waste any time in checking his pulse.

The Mysteries of Megan GlenTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon