Chapter 02: The beginning of the Tour

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I'm going to earn that money.

I'm going to the Arts school.

After 3 months, I will not see him ever again.

That is simple.
And so I thought.

The 3 month promotional circuit would be a series of road trips, flights to and fro from Utah where we are based. When I saw the schedule, I thought it was ridiculous. I knew it would be intensive, but not to this extend.

How would one even have time to sleep?!?!

The next thing I find ridiculous to think was I have to live out of my one suitcaae for the next three months. Not sure how I was going to do it all, and at some point I definitely need to do some laundry.

Nickpicking through and only pick the essentials was tough, but I still managed to squeeze everything I needed for that 3 months into my luggage. I already did my best.

While there would be a week or two in between we will be back in Utah, I would not want to bang on chance since the rest of the time we will be anywhere else.

I was back in the office that evening for a last rundown for the trip ahead. It wasn't the first meeting formally with the band, but I was still very nervous meeting him again.

However, before we met the band for the final briefing, Finley set down with us privately.

"Hi Ladies." Finley welcomed. "Sit."

"I called you both here is to just brief you about Sloan." She said, and proceeded to hand us a thin stack of papers, what looks to be the profile of the members.

"Amanda, when you are there, I want you to make sure you handle all crises that Patrick may create. You will also need to settle damages and report to me immediately." She briefed.


"Callie, Amanda settle all the formal stuff, you help with the informal stuff. All the lunch buying, coffee runs, etc. If you can, make sure you do not leave Patrick out of sight. The faster you spot any weird behaviours, the minimum damage we have to pay for." She instructed. I nodded, still puzzled.

I looked down onto the stack of papers immediately.

Patrick started out as a pop star. With his stellar looks and killer voice, in the short span of two albums, his popularity soar.

His band, Sloan's popularity continued to climb after one of his hits in the second album topped the billboard charts. Then after, the band Sloan added three more albums to their belt.

Even though Sloan's success is superb, he has a foul superstar attitude. He leaves no gap to swearing and making his publicists sweat on their jobs.

He was nasty to everyone around him, except his bandmates and Ettoire, their music director. 

He may be wickedly talented but his bad behaviour stinks in the media circuit, especially to the frenzy paparazzis.

It was very difficult for any publicist in the company to work with him. Some gave up within a week, maximum was one month. No one publicists ever survived one circuit unscathed to Patrick's verbal abuse and horrible tendencies.

This definitely was not the Patrick I know.

What had happened to him for him to change this way?



Finley looked at the excited Amanda and sighed. When she opened the floor for volunteers, Amanda's hand shot up.
Finley knew she is a fan of Sloan and a newbie in the company, was utterly excited to manage Sloan's portfolio.

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