Chapter 17: Los Angeles Pt 2

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Dear readers,

It's been pretty crazy around here.

I just finished my semester exams in school and organising a huge event at work!

Give me some love by liking my post ;)

or hit me a "Hi!" to get my adrenaline pumping.

Love you lots!



Chapter 17: Los Angeles Part 2

"Here's you acceptance package and details for school starting next semester." The admin lady handed me a thick envelope of papers.

"You will need to return us the form of acknowledgement of acceptance and the student application form and we will start to process your scholarship details." She continued, drawing out the relevant papers.

"Oh, if you need campus hostel, here's the brouchure." She said, adding on a colourful phamlet on top.

I was still fazzled.

"Okays.. can.. erm.. may I bring them back to read through?" I asked, embarassed by the fact everyone is trying to check out THE Callie Summers.

"Sure! As long as you send them back two months before the semester starts." She chriped. I nodded.

Walking out from the admin office, I felt surreal. The package in my hand is real, yet somehow, it was due to the fact Patrick has helped.


Just then my mobile vibrated.

"Yes, Andre?" I accepted the call immediatwly, recognizing the number.

My shock was yet over. Andre got me to meet him at the lobby lounge.

"Here," Andre gave me a copy of something that looks like an application form.

"erm.. What is this?" I asked, accepting more paper.

"Photography school in France." He said simply.

"All expenses paid with monthly stipend provided." He replied casually as he made himself comfortable in the lounger.

"Huh?" My ears almost popped. Did I hear correctly?

"I have spoken to the School's board Chairman. You will be accepted without any conditions." He added.

Why is everyone giving me sponsored school education???

To think I was trying to figure out money issues a few months back.

"Why?" I asked simply, knowing Andre didn't just simply got me a school out of nothing.

"Just because..." He said, trying to change topics.

"Darling, tell her." Colin came into the lounge. Andre sighed.

"I just don't want you anywhere near Patrick." Andre replied.

I raised an eyebrow. I knew what he meant but that's clearly not the only reason.

"Dear girl, it's best you and him lead separate lives." Colin said.

I stared hard at Colin. I knew they both meant well.

"Callie. This school in Paris is starting this coming semester. You have to make your decision fast." Colin added, giving my shoulder a gentle squeeze.

If it's this semester, that means school starts exactly one week after Andre's photoshoot ends.

"If you go, I'll arrange a translator to chaperone you until your French is capable." Andre added.

I gave my thanks and went back to my room to compare the two applications.


Sitting back in the expensive empire chair, Callie gazed out the windows to the beautiful citylights and sighed.

it was an amazing few months. To think how far she came, it was to her unbelievable. The French school was an obvious choice, but deep down inside her she can't help but think why she was hesitant.


Just then, the doorbell rang.

"Who is it?" I call out as I walked towards the door.

I took a peep through the peep hole in the door and saw two faces I never wanted to see, standing outside the door.

Mum and his second husband.

Sighing, I reluctantly opened the door and angry at the same time.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Oh, why did you not call me to tell me you are coming to LA?" She said as she squeeze me tightly in her arms. Her pungent perfume fills my nostrils.


"I didn't know you are here!" I said, emotionless.

If I had known, I would NOT have come!!

"Oh darling..." She went on muttering but my brain has shut her out.


Patrick's POV

We finally were back in the hotel and soon we will be packing up and leaving Los Angeles.

I wonder how long more Callie has to be done with Andre's photoshoot so I can get her to join me.

Living without her has been horrible. Although somehow her scarf managed to solve my insomnia problem but I still feel a huge hole in my heart.

Dragging my legs I walked up to my room. I heard voices along the corridor ahead.

Callie's back?

I hastened my pace but when I saw who was standing in the corridor I stopped in my tracks.

Why is he here?

I tried to hide but he saw me.


Callie's POV

"Mum. Enough! Get out!" I shouted.

Enough was enough. All along trying to keep a balance between me and my parents was exhausting enough even without facing them head on. I simply cannot deal with this.

"Mum. As of the date you divorce dad, you and dad no longer hold claim to me," I tried very hard to say these words out without feeling emotional.

"The only thing you and dad owes me is money. The maintainence you both are supposed to pay me every month, which by the way, is overdue for 6 months." I told her with as straight a face I could muster.

"Now, either you pay up this six months or get out." I told her.

She looked at me with hurtful eyes.

Her usual drama self is coming out again!

"How could you treat me this way? I'm your mum!" She wailed.

"I can. Because since you both decided that you want nothing to do with me anymore, so can I." I replied with vigour.

She stood up in silence and wiped off those crocodile tears.

I sent my mother out of the door.

"Where's Frank?" She said, the space where he stood was empty. She turned and see down the corridor.

"Oh, he's with his son!" She replied, her chirpy self again.

"Did you know? His son is the lead singer of Sloan, Patrick Riley!"

I stopped in my tracks.

Patrick's father?

"He saw his mum jumped. His mum couldn't handle the heartache." I recalled E.T's words.


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