Chapter 22: His new girl, her new life

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Dear silent readers,

Thanks for all the likes. I had a shock when I see 70 plus notifications after so long and those notification were *likes* from readers.

Please continue to support my story. will try to wrap up this story soon.

Thank you!


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Callie stared the highlighted row with Patrick's name on it; for a very long time. She was still a little afraid. Just then, her computer speaker shrilled.

Skype call incoming.


"Heya!" Callie picked up the video call.

"Callie! Have you heard? " Jasmine asked anxiously.

"Heard what?" Callie asked in reply.

"This." Jasmine said as she held up a page of an American gossip magazine to her webcam.

Callie studied the page that was displayed on her screen.

It wrote, 'Sloan's new babe' and a half page photo of a shot of Patrick entering the building with a girl in her arms. Then several smaller photographs of him dining with her and smiles and laughter on their faces.

"Patrick seems to have a new girl. I'm sorry Cal." Jasmine replied. Callie kept silent.

"I'm fine. Really. " Callie replied, trying to hide her disappointment.

"You... sure?" Jasmine asked.

"Yeah, it's good that he has moved on." Callie smiled and they continued their chat.

Callie finally hung up after a long and exhausted conversation. Callie's heart sank. She was not ready to accept this fact.

She picked up her American mobile phone again and stared blankly at his name. Then she hit the power off button.

Back in Utah, Patrick arrived at the studio with a lady in tow.

"Thanks Brenda." He said before releasing the girl.

"Anytime." She gave him a peck on the cheek before she left the studio.

Matt raised his eyebrow.

"Seriously, Brenda and you?" He asked Patrick.

"Morning bro." He smiled, avoiding his question.

The team did not ask much about Patrick's private life after the Callie. Afterall he seemed to calm down and also quit being the angry guy he was. They liked the "new" Patrick so they shut up.

Callie's next exhibition went smoothly without a hitch. She got a few invitations from curators and exhibition organisers during the opening party for her works to be exhibited around the world.

"Where would you like to go next?" Bernard asked. She smiled. Bernard has been a very good mentor and like a second father to her.

"Utah." She replied confidently.

"Utah?" Bernard asked, confused.

"I have decided to move to Paris; so... I need to go back to settle the house and my things." Callie said.

Bernard nodded.

Going back to Utah brings back so much memories to Callie. While it is a place where she had too much heartaches, it was also a place of miracles.

The plane touched down in Utah, the evening sun hung low in the sky.

"Hey Callie, you are home!" Callie's neighbour Mrs. Kensington called out as she stepped up to her front porch.

"Good evening, Mrs Kensington." Callie greeted. She was tired and was in no mood to entertain. She just gave a simple wave and entered the house.

Mrs Kensington watched a tired Callie entered her house. She knew she had to talk to her soon.


Callie dropped her luggage and begin to pull down the white sheets that covered the furniture. The house was dusty but she could only wait until tomorrow before she could start cleaning the house.

Retreating to her room, she changed a new set of bedsheets. Afterwhich she quickly changed into her pajamas and got into her bed.

The room holds too many memories for Callie.


Patrick sat in the living room while his dad, Ett was in the showers. He had asked him to dinner and they were going to the local Pizzaria, Patrick's childhood favourite.

Just then, Ett's phone shrilled and echoed down the hallway.

"Could you pick that up for me?" He shouted loudly from his bathroom.

"Sure." Patrick casually walked to his bedroom and picked up his iphone.

"She's back." The other voice said before Patrick could say hi.

"Who is this?" Patrick looked at the unknown number.

"Oh, is this Patrick?" The female voice asked.

"Yes, this is he." Patrick replied.

"Ooo.. this is even better!" She said.

"I'm Mrs Kensington, Callie's neighbour. Callie just arrive back." She added.

Patrick stilled at the news. Ett was in contact with Callie's neighbour? He was tracking Callie? Why?

"Who called?" Ett asked.

"Erm... wrong number." Patrick replied.

He nodded and continued drying his hair.

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