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Jenna walked through the woods, the trees towering from high above her. She was careful of the steps she took, the turns she made. She avoided any other examinees she might encounter, too annoyed to deal with anyone at the moment. She just found herself becoming more and more irritated by not being able to find the goddamned pig. Weren't they supposed to be big? There was no way in hell she would have missed them.

So where were the cursed creatures?

Jenna huffed when she saw nothing around her, taking a few more steps and then making another turn, only she found herself stepping down and then tripping. She fell and slid down a slope at full speed, she found herself too exasperated to even try and stop her momentum to regain her footing. She just let it happen, she would have to come to a stop eventually...

When Jenna came to a stop she was in a large clearing. She would have gotten more annoyed about having just fallen (embarrassing, to be honest) had it not been for the large group of overgrown pigs she ran into. The animals were the size of large boulders, big enough to feed the entire Phantom Troupe with a single one, and those were some insatiable stomachs.

Jenna found her prey. Finally.

With careful steps to not trigger any kind of violent reaction, Jenna walked up to one of the humongous animals. She stopped a few feet away from them, close enough to study their physics to get a quick, clean kill. Even the biggest of animals have weaknesses, even if it's a little one, as long as she recognized it she could exploit it. That's what Chrollo had taught her, at least.

Now if only her brain would start working and find it.

With a lengthy sigh, she concentrated on the animal that still hadn't noticed her presence. They were clearly carnivorous, and had rather unnecessarily big snouts, even for a creature their size. She started walking around it, seeing that it was clearly just a normal pig only oversized. There was only one thing that stood out to her, so she would have to test her theory. And if it didn't work, she would have to get bloody.

With confidence in her plan Jenna began to climb a nearby tree skillfully. Her hands and legs working almost robotically, she looked down as muscle memory took over and took her to what she deemed to be a reasonable height. She looked down at the unsuspecting animal marking the place she would land on. She let go and pushed herself off of the tree landing with as much force as she could muster on the pig's forehead, before bouncing back and landing softly on the ground. The pig squealed once before collapsing heavily on the ground with a thud. Clearly it had died instantly, deeming Jenna's plan a success.

She hummed in satisfaction. Content at the fact that her theory was not only right, but the pig had not been loud enough to disturb the rest of the cattle. She didn't need to deal with a stampede at the moment. All that was left was taking the pig back to the station and figuring out what to do with the large animal.

With a sigh, she looked into her backpack for anything that could work, finding a pink nylon rope she often used for her criminal escapades. She masterfully used the rope to wrap around the pig, tying the knots masterfully before pulling once to test its resistance. Deeming the pig good to go, she began dragging it without much effort, trying the rope around her waist and walking back to the station barely feeling the pig's extra weight.

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