Ch. 4 Lory Kingdom, Her Past

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*3rd person pov*

Korra stopped just inside of the tree line. Her black ninja attire was the usual. A metallic gray trim, long sleeves, and -although it wasn't visible- armor under her clothes.

"I don't understand... Why did you take me away from them." Dill hissed at Korra.

Ivy was still in the castle and was no doubt fighting with someone. There were many large crashes and bright orange fox-Ivy in rage form-went flying through a window, shattering it. All the while grappling with an ocelot which Korra and Dill didn't understand.

"Because! You're not supposed to meet him until you're 26!" Korra exclaimed.

"What? I don't understand, Korra!" Dill pleaded with her, "Can I have an answer that makes some sense?"

Korra shut her mouth and stood up, dragging Dill up as well.

"H-hey! Where are we going?" Dill cried out. Korra only responded by pulling on her arm with more force.

"Ow! Korra, you're hurting me!" Korra let go and turned back to Dill.

Tears formed in the corner of Dill's eyes as she held her bruised arm. Korra sighed.

"Were you kidnapped?" Korra asked her.

"N-no..?" Dill responded, confused.

"Oh... Well your father thought so. He sent us to get you back. It appears you were ok after all." Korra says thoughtfully.

Out of no where Korra spins around and casts an attack spell at the bushes. The bushes catch on fire and she prepares to cast another spell. Dill watches and waits.

A few seconds go by and nothing happens.


Korra dives at her, sending her to the ground with a thump as a blue light beam speeds over their heads.

"Stop! I don't want to fight!" Dill yelled out.

A man in a blue futuristic suit came into view, two guns in his hands. One gun pointed at each girl.

"Stand up and put your hands above your head!" He yelled, his face concealed by his helmet.

Dill and Korra did as they were told.

"Turn around." He ordered.

The girls did so. Korra shooting Dill a death glare.

A cold barrel pressed against  Korra's head. She whimpered but quickly silenced herself. Dill just squeezed her eyes closed as the man in the suit pinned her wrists behind her and snapped on a pair of heavy handcuffs. He pushed down on her shoulders and she sat down on the ground.

He moved on to Korra repeating the same process but once he snapped the cuffs on she winced. Then her breathing sped up. Instead of pushing her to the ground  he slowly walked around to face her. Still at gun-point Korra and Dill didn't dare move an inch.

"You've been imprisoned before?" He asked still wearing the blue and orange helmet.

Korra's breathing slowed as she calmed herself down.

"Y-yes, sir. When I was very small..." She answered glancing at the gun still pointed at her head.

"Hmm... So, I am making the inference that you both know who I am?"

"No. I have no idea who you are... You haven't shown your face." Dill answered and Korra gave Dill a side-ways look.

"Do you not possess any magicks abilities?" He asks Dill.

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