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   There he stood in my face smirking slightly "Well what do you say?"

"You're on" I say then walk away.

"Lilith Nightwood" says a voice, looking up I see a tall man with long black shoulder length hair standing in front of me "Yes Professor Snape?" I question, he raises his eyebrow "Follow me" he says as he starts to walk.

"Yes, Lilith Nightwood what a pleasure sitting on your head" says the sorting hat as I bite my lower lip. "You'd be nice in a green uniform..or maybe a blue.." says the sorting hat. I softly sigh raising my eyebrow "please don't pick slytherin" I say in my head as I hold my locket. "I have decided to place you in...SLYTHERIN!" I stand up in complete shock and confusion.

As I walk in the halls I hear a voice calling my name, a voice I shall never forget "Draco Malfoy" I sneer. He chuckles "I can't believe the sorting hat put you of all people in Slytherin!" I cross my arms over my chest "shut it Malfoy!" I sneer. He chuckles again and walks closer "You are a joke to the Slytherin house!" I raise my eyebrow and clench my jaw "We will see about that now won't we! I hear the position for Slytherin captain is up for grabs now. Let's see who wins." raises his blonde brow "you've got yourself a challenge" I smirk and walk past him slightly hitting his shoulder.

Dear mother,
        Today is my first day at Hogwarts. I was placed in Slytherin, I don't see why. I don't have a Slytherin trait in me. Nobody thinks I belong in that house..even Slytherin king himself; Draco Malfoy. Draco is rude, self centered and just terrible all together. How can the sorting hat think he and I have anything in common?.

I truly wish I knew more about you. What house you were in, what were you; like things like that. I just know you weren't a Slytherin. All I have of you is this locket I'm wearing and a ripped photo of you. I also met Professor Snape he seems mean, clearly a good choice for Slytherin. I don't think he likes me much not quite sure why. I guess only time will tell.

I miss you mom..I have to go for now. Love you.

I'm sitting outside when three people pass me laughing and talking amongst themselves. I realized it was Harry, Ron and Hermione.  I stared at the red headed guy, that's Ron. He trips over a branch, I softly giggle at his clumsiness. Hermione and Harry laugh at him as he brushes off the dirt from his uniform, he had some dirt on his face but they didn't seem to tell him that. He's incredibly adorable. I realized I might have been staring a little to long because he looks up at me I quickly look away before making eye contact.

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