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{Two weeks later}

House Captain's were about to be announced as my stomach began to tie itself into knots, I was holding my mothers locket. It seems to always calm my nerves. "And Slytherin captain is Lilith Nightwood..and Draco Malfoy?. " says a confused Professor Dumbledore, I had smirked at Draco, but it faded after hearing him say Draco's name. Come on up Lilith and Draco" says Dumbledore looking for Draco and I. We walk up there huffing at eachother "Be nice" whispers Snape as he gives me a little pat on the back. I raise my eyebrow as Slytherin cheers for Draco and I.

"Co captain are you serious!" says a very angered Draco to his two goons. I peek around the corner hoping he doesn't see me "I'm s-sorry Draco! I don't know how it happened!" says Goyle. "I told you to bug the results! What do you do?! MAKE IT A TIE!" says Draco. I come around the corner "well well well" I say crossing my arms. "Seems to me you were afraid of the results and decided to have your goons rig it?" I say smirking at his failure to keep it a secret. He scuffs like it doesn't affect him "wait till my father hears about this" I say mocking him. He chuckles and raises his eyebrow "what father" I pause "Draco.." whispers Goyle. I glare at him "you act like that bothers me!" I say then walk away closing the door as Draco continues to yell at Goyle and Crabbe.

Later that night I sat in the girls bathroom sniffling as I hear three voices. "Moaning Myrtle? Are you sniffling?" questions the first voice. "It isn't me!" chuckles Myrtle. Two pairs of shoes and a pair of short heels echo in the bathroom as they walk around the stalls "there's nobody here besides us three and you myrtle" says another guy voice sounding confused as he stands in front of my stall. Myrtle giggles "There's a green snake in a stall you are standing infront of Ron..poor Lilith was crying over Draco" says Myrtle. I huff and open the stall "I wasn't crying!" walking out of stall then towards the door. Ron walks over and gives me a small smile "you ok?" he says. Hermione looks at Ron "You are talking to a Slytherin, Ron. Remember?" says Hermione. I sneer "so what mudblood" I say quickly regretting that statement. Hermione sighs "your just like all the other slytherin's in your household" says Hermione then walks towards Harry. "Lilith..what's wrong" asks a concerned Ron. I scuff "nothing's wrong I'm coming down with a cold" I say trying to walk away. "A case of the dra-cold" chuckles Myrtle. I clench my jaw turning quickly towards her "if you weren't a ghost I'd kill you!" I say raising my fist at her. She snickers and goes back into her stall. Ron puts his hand on my shoulder "Are you okay?" I turn around "I'm fine" I move my hair from infront of my face to behind my ear. Harry looks at me with sad eyes "you don't take crap from anyone but it seems like Draco gets under your skin" he states. I groan "I just hate him so much! He knows what to say to get on my last nerves. I don't see why he doesn't get expelled for the things he does to others!" I explode then sigh softly "I shouldn't even be talking to you Gryffindor's" I raise my eyebrow and begin to walk away.

"You are the only Slytherin..not kissing up to Draco..why?" asks Ron. I look at him "He's absolutely nothing to me, there's no reason to be intimidated by the blonde haired idiot Draco." Ron chuckles "your not like other slytherin's.." says Ron. I nod "and Hermione I didn't mean to call you a mudblood..I just got angry and instantly regretted calling you a mudblood.." she smiles "sorry for comparing you to every Slytherin" I half smile then walk towards the door "thanks Ron..you really helped" I say smiling then I walk out the door.

Ever since that night we've been close friends.

I was outside writing in my diary when a figure appeared in front of me.

"Hey Lilith you want some company?" questions a soft voice. I look up to see Ron standing there, I smile, my stomach tied itself into knots "Sure, that sounds nice" I say scooting over. "So what are you writing?" he asks. "Oh it's nothing" I say quickly closing the book. "Come on tell me!" he says giving me a look. His blue eyes staring into mine "It's nothing Ron" I say flustered. "Come on" he begs then playfully tries to take the book. "It's nothing Ron! Honestly" I say roughly now playing tug a war with my book. He gets a bit scared and let's go "fine. But one of these days you'll tell me" he smiles. "Maybe" I say then bite my lower lip. I fiddle with my locket.

"Hey you two" says Harry walking over as Ron and I are softly laughing at eachother. "Hey Harry" I smile "you guys coming to lunch?" chuckles Harry giving me a look "Oh shoot! Is it lunch already?" I say standing up really fast and grabbing my stuff  "what's wrong?" questions Ron. "I have to sit with my house Malfoy and I are suppose to be going over captain stuff" I say rolling my eyes at his name. "We will catch up later then!" says Ron. I nod waving bye as I rush into the school doors.

Dear mom,
          I did it mom! I'm Slytherin's new captain; well co-captain of course Malfoy is the other co. It's funny how that works, Malfoy tried getting his two goons to rig the results but turns out it didn't help. I just don't see how he and I both got enough votes to be co's. Malfoy also brought up how I don't have a father..it was my fault, I shouldn't have tried mocking him. It hurt when he said that. But on the plus side I did make three new friends, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. They are Gryffindor's and really nice. Ron tried comforting me when he realized I was upset..even though Hermione and I got off on the wrong foot we became close. Harry and Hermione are pretty great but I'd definitely say Ron is the best. He's so sweet, makes me laugh so much and he's very handsome. I can definitely see that school is going to get better especially with them by my side.

I miss you mom. Love you.

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