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Today was the day, today we were going on our fake date.

"Hey Nightwood" says Draco from behind, I turn around and he runs into me by accident knocking me on the floor. I groan "Malfoy" I groan as he chuckles softly "whoops. My bad." He says then holds out his hand, I glare at him getting up by myself. "What did you want Malfoy?" he raises his blonde brow "oh right, tonight is our date. Can you maybe wear this thing called a dress, girls wear it sometimes" says Draco snickering. I make a face and cross my arms "where are we going?" he sighs softly "My father wants to have a family dinner and it's mandatory that I be there and he mentioned bringing you. Nobody has truly met my family or been to my house." I chuckle softly "really that's what you call a date?" I laugh, he stays silent. I smirk "fine I'll go. And I might wear a dress" I say. He nods then walks away.

Later that day I was in my room going through my clothes "Jokewood" says a voice. I roll my eyes "what do you want Wilma?" she chuckles softly behind me "I heard Draco is taking you to his parents house." she says walking closer "so what if he is. Jealous much?" I question turning around and raising my eyebrow. She raises hers and chuckles "me..jealous of you? I've met his family and I actually have two parents" says Wilma. My heart sinks as she says that. I pretend like it doesn't bother me putting on a brave face "Actually I'm pretty sure your birth certificate is an apology from the condom factory" I say crossing my arms. She chuckles softly and gets in my face "you might fool Draco with this tough girl act but you don't fool me..you are nothing but a phony girl and Draco only asked you out because he wanted to make you fall in love so he can hurt you in the worst way possible. It's all part of our plan! But besides Draco and I are still together." I scuff and roll my eyes "I didn't even want to go on a date! It was a pity yes!" I say. She chuckles "sure" then leaves. I sit on my bed softly sighing but remind myself Draco Malfoy is the enemy..my biggest foe. I whisper to myself in my head as I sit on my bed.

"Lilith?" questions Draco. I open one eye "what do you want Malfoy" I sneer. "Why aren't you ready?" I sit up "I'm not going" he sounds anxious"what do you mean you aren't going? You have to go!" I sit up with my back towards him. "You said you would go!" says Draco nervously. I stand up looking at him as I held my locket "Wilma already told me the real reason behind doing the dare" I say as my cheeks heat up. He looks confused "You and Wilma are dating still;  you and her planned to make me fall in love and came up with a plan to hurt me in the most painful way. And you lied. You said nobody's met your parents and she said she has" I sneer  "Wilma said that?" I nod crossing my arms. He chuckles "what's so funny?" I question angrily. He shakes his head "I cannot believe you believe her! I am not dating Wilma nor has she met my family. She said that to bother you and make you not go. And you believe it. Ha!" I roll my eyes "whatever. I'm still not going" his eyes widen "Lilith..It's part of the terms" he says walking towards me and staring into my eyes. For a split second I saw a different look when he stared into my eyes. I sigh roughly then walk to the bathroom, I get changed into a dark red dress, it was a short but lengthy dress. It had lace along the shoulders and chest area as well as lace sleeves that had black roses on them. I wore a pair of black flats. I had my curly hair pulled half up half down and fixed up what little makeup I had on. I walk out of the bathroom.

"Oh.." says Draco. I take a deep breath softly looking down then back up at him. His mouth was open slightly as he stares I felt weird, like I was nervous at his response. "Well?" I say. "You look per..okay" he says running his hands through his blonde locks then turns to walk out, letting out a deep but quiet sigh I follow him.

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