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"Draco asked you out on a date?" questions Hermione as she paces the floor. I nod pretending to be happy, "he seemed sincere about going out with me" I add. Ron looks at me "wait your not actually gonna go..right?" he questions softly. I shrug "what's the worst that can happen?" I say as Hermione continues to pace the floor reading "It's Draco Malfoy. Your worst enemy! You hate his guts!" shouts Ron. I chuckle "Ron, it's sweet that you care but it's one secret date! That's all" I say. One secret fake date I repeat in my head.

"Did you hear? Lilith and Draco are going out on a date" says a girl to her friends as they walk past me. I raise my eyebrow as people stare "that's her. She's going out with Draco!" says a boy from behind as he speaks to his friends. I huff slightly rolling my eyes as someone sits next to me "hi" says the voice. Draco was sitting next to me, "Draco" says a voice. I look up to see Wilma Gray, Dracos crazy ex girlfriend. "Is it true" questions Wilma. He stands up "Nice of you to notice me Wilma" I say flatly as I try to ignore her and her friends. Of course they are in the Slytherin household and we don't get along very well. Wilma hates me because Draco and I are co-captain and she thinks she should have been by Draco's side. "So what if I'm taking Lilith out. Your my ex" says Draco, I giggle abit "what are you laughing about Jokewood" I chuckle again "What's wrong Wilma? You mad Draco is going after someone who doesn't look like a giant oaf?" she crosses her arms as I get in her face, she huffs and squeals as she walks away "come on girls" screeches Wilma as they jump slightly and follow her. I chuckle  "wow" says Draco softly. I smirk and begin to walk away but I turn slightly and look at him "see you in class" I say then walk away.

"You told Wilma off?!" says Hermione as she sits in the chair. We were gathered in Gryffindor commons to talk, "I wasn't gonna let her bad mouth me." I defend myself. She chuckles "I can't believe you..your the only one who's told off Draco and Wilma..ever" she says I chuckle "I'm sure that's not true, but what can I say I'm a Slytherin at heart I guess" she chuckles as Harry and Ron hands us a cup of hot chocolate "so your not really gonna go on the date with Draco right?" questions Ron randomly. I look at him after sipping my hot coco "I mean I was thinking about it..yeah" I say softly. Ron gulps "do you like Draco?" he questions then seemed to regret it as soon as he asked. "of course not Ron. I still hate him I just think it wouldn't hurt to go on a date with a Slytherin" Ron sighs "What about a non Slytherin?" I look up at him "I-I mean like would you go on a date with someone who wasn't a Slytherin?" he questions. "Well of course, it doesn't matter what house they are in. I guess it's just odd that I don't really hang around my house mates. I mean I am co-captain after all" I say rubbing the back of my neck. They all just look at eachother and continue to drink their hot coco as we sit in silence. That was until Ron burped and it sounded like a pixie farted. I giggle "Ron..are you sure you aren't a pixie?" he chuckles "I'm not! Let's not talk about it" I chuckle "oh no we are definitely talking about it!" I say laughing as Harry and Hermione laugh.

Dear mom,
I don't like this..I don't like that I have to lie to my friends because of this dumb dare but if I want Slytherin captain to myself I have to do so. Everyone at school knows I'm going out on a (fake) date with Malfoy now. I guess word travels fast especially when you are a captain. Ugh, why did I agree to this? Ron seemed very upset when Hermione blurted it out after she found out I guess, does that mean he likes me? Or maybe he's just concerned because I'm his close friend? I don't know mom it's so confusing! I have to go for now, I'll write later!

I'm so frustrated right now! Malfoy ex girlfriend; Wilma Gray came up to Malfoy and I in the courtyard and asked Malfoy if he was really going out with me. I guess she's still not over Malfoy. I was mean to her though and I feel terrible but she deserves it! Her and her little sheep friends hate me for no reason! I didn't do anything to them! I know it doesn't excuse my behavior. I'm sorry if you are disappointed in me mom, I just wanted to stand up for myself because clearly Malfoy wasn't going to do it.

Ron was acting weird today though. He brought up Draco and I's date again and asked if I'd ever go out on a date with someone who wasn't in my house. I mean that's a silly question because I don't like any of the guys in my house..they are all Slytherin of course. I don't think Ron knows I have a crush on him still but that's a good thing. I don't want to ruin our friendship or make things awkward. I don't know mom, I like Ron I just don't know how to tell him. He kind of made it seem like he was hinting he likes me but he could have been just curious to know my answer. I'm hoping soon I'll have clarity on if he likes me or not. Oh and Ron has such a cute burp; I know that sounds weird but he burps like a pixie and it's the cutest thing I've ever heard. He's embarrassed about it but I hope he knows it's really cute. I'm going to head to bed mom. Goodnight.

I miss and love you mom.

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