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"Where am I?" I question, there was fog everywhere and it was completely dark. I couldn't see at all. "Hello? Can someone please help me?" I say as my voice echos. I hear a snapping sound as I back up "Who's there?" I question. There was another snap, "Hello?" I question again backing up, I fall to the ground. It felt like dirt as I look at the ground. It is dirt, where am I? I heard footsteps as I begin crawling backwards "Don't come any closer!" I say. My back runs into something, I could barely see what it was. Squinting I feel around and realize it was a gravestone. It read Lilian Nightwood. "Mom?" I question tearing up. For a minute I forgot about the footsteps till I heard another twig snap. "Who's there? Show yourself!" I say attempting to get up. "Lilith" calls a voice "what?" I say, "Lilith" calls the voice again. "No...no.." I scream.

"Lilith!" says a hushed voice. I sit up quickly, I was drenched in sweat. "Lilith, it's okay it's just me, Draco" says a soft concerned voice. I look up to see Draco standing over me. I try catching my breath once I realized I was safe, "Lilith are you okay?" he asks. I shake my head "I heard you from the hall, you sounded like you were having a nightmare so I came in to check on you" he says sitting down on my bed. I sigh finally calming myself down "Thank you.." I say putting my hand on my chest "Could you possibly lay with me?" I give him a pouty face. I knew that if we were caught we could get in huge trouble. Boys and girls weren't permitted to be in each others rooms after a certain time, I had a feeling I knew what his answer would be, he pauses for a split second "of course I will" he says shocking me. "Really?" I softly say. He nods "scoot over, let me in" he chuckles softly. I did as he said as he crawls into bed with me. He had one arm under my head as I snuggled close to his chest, his hand laid on my cheek as his thumb softly moves back and forth caressing my face. "Get some rest Nightwood" whispers Draco. I felt calm as I closed my eyes. He laid his head on mine softly kissing my head. My eyes felt very heavy as I drifted off to sleep.

I woke up later that day to an empty bed. I sigh softly seeing a note on my nightstand.

I had to sneak away but made sure you were soundly asleep before leaving. I hope you slept throughout the night. See you later.

I smile slightly I had a weird fuzzy feeling in my stomach it was the feeling I'd get when I use to be around Ron. I ignore the feeling and slip the note in my diary then get out of bed for the day.

"Hey Lilith" smiles Harry as him, Hermione and Ron all sat at a table. "Hi" I say, Ron looks up at me then looks back down. I felt bad for Ron, I overreacted that night. The whole point of Draco and I's dare was to make Ron jealous and clearly it had worked. So why did I feel so guilty when Ron kissed me? I sigh softly "Are you okay Lilith?" questions Hermione knocking me out of my thoughts "Yeah just had a rough week" I say. "Lilith..could I talk to you?" questions Ron softly "In private?" he says. I nod as we walk away from Harry and Hermione.

I could tell he was nervous, he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Lilith..I-I'm sorry.." he says, I give him a sad look "I shouldn't have kissed you that night.." he says softly. Before I could say anything I was interrupted by a voice. "You kissed him?" I turn to see Draco standing there with a single rose, he had a strange look in his eye. "Draco..I can explain" I say but before I could Draco scuffed "Save it Nightwood.." he sneers dropping the rose and stepping on it as he walks away angry. I felt my heart sink, "Draco!" I call out but he ignored me. I look at Ron "Lilith I am so sorry.." he sighs "I didn't know anyone was around..I just keep messing up" he says. I sigh picking up the rose then running after Draco.

"Draco!" I call after him. He rushed to his room as I stopped the door from closing. "Malfoy!" I say walking into his room "Go away" he says, "Draco please.." I felt so bad, I totally forgot to tell Draco about the kiss. "Please Draco..listen to me." I say. He chuckles "Listen to you? Why should I? You can't even be a loyal girlfriend! No wonder you were placed in Slytherin! Your worse than I am!" he shouts. I felt embarrassed, I couldn't believe he'd say those things to me. "Go away!" he says crossing his arms. I held back tears as I stared at his cold eyes. Rushing out of his room I run into mine closing the door behind me. Sliding to the ground I place my hand on my chest where my locket was suppose to be. I lost my locket, upset Draco and on top of it I still had no idea about who my father is. I felt defeated.

Everyone is getting ready for the Yule Ball except for me.

There was a soft knock at my door. "Who is it?" I question. "It's Draco" says the person who knocked. I sit up quickly walking to the door, I was shocked. "Why aren't you dressed?" he asks. He has on a black tux with a white vest, bow tie and dress shirt. He looked incredible. I raise my eyebrow confused. "My parents are sending a car in an hour..for dinner?" he says. I was still confused, I didn't expect to still be going to the ball especially after the fight we had. "I didn't think i was still going" I admit. "Why wouldn't you go? Your my girlfriend my parents are expecting you to come" he says raising his blonde brow. "Have you looked at the dress yet?" he questions. I shake my head "I completely forgot about it". He walks over to my wardrobe grabbing the black bag that has my dress in it. "Here" he says handing it to me, I hesitate for a minute then grab it. "Go put it on..I want to see how it looks" he demands but in a respectful way. I nod. He walks out of the room and closes the door behind him.

"You can come in now" I say.

Draco walks in as I stand there in the stunning dress. His mouth drops as he scans me. "Is it that bad?" I question nervously. He shakes his head but he's speechless, I rub the back of my neck "Come" he says holding out his hands I grab it as he pulls me to my mirror. We stood there as he still holds my hand. I looked incredible, the black sequins shined in the sunlight that peeled through my window. The slit on the side showed the perfect amount of my leg without exposing to much, it was a beautiful long black spaghetti strap sequin dress that had a long v-neck slit. The shoes are black open toed to match the dress. I smile at him through the mirror as he stares in awe.

"Finish getting ready, our ride will be here soon" he says.

I left my hair down and curled it putting in two medium sized shiny barrettes in my hair. Draco has a white faux fur coat to put on top of it. I took one last glance in the mirror checking my makeup before walking towards my door.

"Oh I have one more thing for you" he says as we stand outside his parents front door. "What is it?" I question, what could he possibly have gotten me. "Close your eyes" he whispers, I do as he says. He places something around my neck "you can open it" he says. I place my hand where the necklace sat. I realized what it was and tried to hold back tears "Draco..where?" I say softly "I went back that night and found it, the chain was broken so I had to find another and wanted to wait till the Yule Ball to give it to you" he says smiling. I pull him into a tight hug, without hesitation he hugs me back slightly squeezing.

"Well Draco you sure have good taste in girls" says Mr. Malfoy as we stand in the dining room. "Thank you father" I chuckle and keep ahold of his hand "Lilith would you care to join us for Christmas?" I smile "oh why thank you, I would love that" Draco smiles but hides it.

There was music blaring as we walk into the ballroom. I smile "this is beautiful" he smiles "glad you like it" we walk in as everyone stares. "Why is everyone staring?" I question softly. He chuckles "cause of my beautiful date" I blush luckily the lights were dimmed. "Wow Lilith you look incredible" says a familiar voice behind me. I chuckle "thanks Ron" I say turning to face him, he and Hermione and Harry were all staring at me "you do look incredible" says Harry as Hermione nods. I smile "who did you bring Ron?" he chuckles "Hermione" it was weird I had no feelings for what he just said "oh really?" he nods. I nod as someone hugs me from behind "who?" I turn "Cedric!" He chuckles hugging me tightly. "Where's your boyfriend" says Cedric flatly, I chuckle "um I'm not sure" he holds out his hand "care to dance?" I nod as we walk to the middle of the room.

As we dance Draco walks over "Cedric who do you think you are putting your hands on my girlfriend" Cedric chuckles "calm down Draco we were just dancing." he says letting me go. I roll my eyes "wanna dance?" he shakes his head "I'll be right back." He says then walks towards his ex. I shake the thought as I find Ron.

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