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I was studying with Ron, Harry and Hermione in the library.

"Ha hanging out with Gryffin-snore's are you!" laughs a voice. I didn't have to turn around to know whose laugh that was. Rolling my eyes I glare at him "Shut it Malfoy!" I snap. He smirks "Make me Nightwood" he says crossing his arms. "Lilith just let it go" whispers Ron putting his hand on mine. I sigh and turn to see Ron smiling at me, I couldn't help but smile back. "You're right" I say ignoring Draco. Draco huffs storming away.

Ron was reading his book as I look over mine at him. His blue eyes staring at the words on the paper as he concentrates hard. Smiling at him I get nudged breaking my stare, I give Harry a look. He motions over to a bookshelf, following him he pretends to be checking out books as Ron glances over then slowly turns his attention back to his book. "When are you going to tell Ron you like him?" whispers Harry, "I don't like Ron" I whisper "Yeah right. You were just staring at him reading a book.." he chuckles. "Fine maybe I do have a tiny crush on Ron." I sigh softly leaning on the bookshelf a bit "You should tell him!" I shake my head "No way! And Harry you have to promise you won't tell him or Hermione!" I say putting my pinky finger up "Fine" he mumbled pinky promising me he won't blab to anyone. Harry and I walk back over to the table as Ron tries to sneakily look up at me, I smile at him then go back to my book.

"What's a Gryffindor doing in Slytherins commons" questions Draco. I raise my eyebrow realizing he's talking to Hermione. Turning around I cross my arms "Malfoy" I say. He chuckles "Nightwood" I glare "leave my friend alone" he laughs loudly "your friend? You are really friends with a mudblood?" he says loudly getting everyone's attention. I nod proudly "Go figure you have to be a mudblood as well I mean wouldn't surprise me. You are an orphan" I ignore that comment and step closer to his face "First off her name is Hermione and so what. I'm still a Slytherin and I wear my colors proudly unlike you and you're two goons who trash the slytherin name! No wonder daddy isn't proud of you" he pauses for a minute staring into my eyes, I couldn't tell if he was hurt by that comment or if it angered him as he steps really close to me "If your a Slytherin..start acting like one" he growls softly then walks away.

Hermione smiles at me "Hey, thanks Lilith. I appreciate you sticking up for me" I take a deep breath "You're my friend, of course I'm going to. Oh hey I think Harry and Ron are in the library wanna go?" I question. She nods then we pick up our things and head out of the room.

Later that day I was approached by Draco alone. "How about we make a dare" says Draco smirking. I raise an eyebrow "why would I make a dare with you?" I question. "Because you'll enjoy it" I was intrigued"what's the dare?" I question, "I dare you to pretend to be my girlfriend. I know you like Ron and it would just tickle his fancy" I roll my eyes "I don't like Ron! What's in it for you?" I raise my eyebrow "It would be good publicity on my part to be fake dating my co captain" he grins "But what's the catch?" He starts chuckling, it was a sinister chuckle "If one of us falls inlove with the other then the loser gives up their spot for captain" says Draco.

There he stood in my face smirking slightly "Well what do you say?" I scuff "you're on" he softly chuckles crossing his arms "let's go on a date" he says. I scuff "yeah sure like I'm going on a date with you." he sighs "Not a real date, like i'd even ask you on one! Its a fake date, we have to make people believe we are actually a couple." he says after looking off behind me. I raise my eyebrow and sigh roughly Draco taking me out? What did I possibly do to deserve this? "fine" I say flatly. He chuckles and smirks "Great. I'll let you know when" I roll my eyes.

Dear mom,
           Today has been a little rough. Harry found out I have a tiny crush on Ron..but he pinky swore not to say anything! I wish I knew if Ron liked me back though, sure would be nice. I would try to ask Harry to find out but he'd make it way to obvious. I wish you were here..I could use your advice on this stuff. Schools great though! Professor Snape's class is hard, sometimes I feel like he's making things harder for me but maybe that's just because I'm co captain and he wants to make sure I do my best. I don't know though, it's strange.

I just realized I never finished writing. You'll never guess what happened. Malfoy asked me out on a date! Yes the Draco Malfoy..well not technically a real date more of a fake date as part of a dare. I don't know if I truly want to go through with it though. The terms are we fake date (he knows I like Ron and he said it will make Ron jealous) ; I know that's silly to do to someone I like but get this..he said if one of us falls in love with the other then the loser has to give up their co spot as captain! How incredible would it be if I became Slytherin's only captain! It's not hard to keep myself from falling in love with Draco. He's my worse enemy! He's so not my type either. I just feel like this is something a true Slytherin would do and I am not a true Slytherin. Oh I have to go for now mom!

I miss and love you mom.

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