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      It was around 11:30 as everyone is either dancing or eating. I look at Draco as he talks to his ex girlfriend giggling. I sigh softly why do you care? You don't like Draco you like Ron. Draco is your enemy! "Lilith" says a voice. I shake my head standing up as I see Snape standing there "Professor Snape" I say softly. He walks out of the room hinting to follow him "Professor Snape" I say, he turns "Here" I raise my eyebrow "look at it" he says. I open the envelope taking out a picture. It was crumbled and ripped, I turn it around and see a women holding a baby just like in the picture Draco found. My eyes glance at the man next to the women "Wait..I don't understand" I say softly. He sighs "Lilith..I'm your father" my eyes tear up as I drop the picture "you" I growl. "Lilith.." says Snape. I sigh deeply "your my father! After all these years you tell me now! How could you just leave mom...me!" he sighs. "Lilith..I didn't have a choice! I wanted to keep you both safe and that was the only way I could!" I shake my head "How did my mom die?! How come you didn't come find me when she died?! I was in that orphanage for years until I was old enough to come here! You left me there..in that-that place! It was terrible!" I tried to hold back tears, I couldn't believe that Snape was my father. "Your mother..she died in the hands of Voldemort. I kept you in that orphanage because it was the only way to keep him from from finding you too!" I shake my head as my eyes widened, I back up "you could have saved her" I say. He shakes his head "no dear.." a hot tear streams down my face "YOU COULD HAVE SAVED HER!" I scream then run away. "Lilith" says Snape as I run outside.

"Lilith.." questions a softly voice. I sniffle softly "Go away" I sneer. "Lilith please" says the voice. I huff as he opens the door "what do you want Draco" he sighs "what's wrong.." I look at him "what's wrong? What's wrong?!" I say louder. "Lilith.." I look at him "Snape is my father, you haven't spent one minute with me at this stupid ball! My mother died at the hands of..of the man who shall not be named! I've had enough drama for one night Draco!" I say. He raises his eyebrow "I didn't think it mattered..since you hate my guts." I turn with my back facing him "go away" I sneer. "Lilith" he says putting his hand on my arm. I sigh out of frustration, I couldn't believe anything that was happening right now. This was all way to much. "I just told you I found out who my father is and how my mother died and all you care about is that I hate your guts?! You know what Draco! I do hate your guts! I hate you so much for making this stupid dare! I hate you for picking on me ever since I stepped into this school! I hate you for making fun of the only people I can call my friends! I hate you for introducing me to your parents and making me feel like for once in my life I actually belonged to a real family!" I let out a deep breath as I continue on "I hate you for having me go search for my father and for more about my mother and making me lose my locket that day! I hate you for making me.." before I could finish he pulls my face towards him as I look into his eyes, he's staring at me like he's trying to stare into my soul. It was like he was trying to calm me down or figure me out. I can't explain how the way he looked into my eyes is having such a huge affect on me right now. The way he says my name. The way he's holding me closesly. "Lilith.." he whispers. Before I could even get a word in he pulls me closer.

And just like that our lips meet as he holds me close a tear falls down my cheek.

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