Chapter 4

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Chapter Four- Out in Town

Later that day, Jed was in the room the family had given him to sleep in, grooming himself before it was time to step out. The family was all going to town where a dinner and dance was being held in a large barn for the public. They figured it would give Jed a chance to meet more people and see Hush.

As Jed combed his hair, he was lost in thought. Lunch had been incredibly awkward. Abigail had sat beside her sisters, and Jed across from them. She'd kept her head down the entire time, playing with her food but hardly eating any of it. He'd had to answer a constant stream of questions from Mr. and Mrs. Clandestine, but his mind had been torn between thinking of answers for them and thinking about how he could talk to Abigail.

Jed was embarrassed, flustered, and anxious. But mostly, he felt...saddened. He knew it was terrible, but the one thing Jed regretted most was that he would not be able to pursue anything further with Abigail. He had thought she was just some servant or cook for the Clandestines, and he could perhaps have some fun while he had to be stuck in a house with overbearing parents and an incorrigible fiancé. On finding out she was the youngest sister to Charlotte, Jed knew it could never be possible now. And it saddened him. She was so beautiful, so sprightly and free. She had been a spark of light in the otherwise uneventful day he'd had.

Jed shook his head as he tucked in his shirt and buttoned his vest. He had to stop thinking about that now. Whatever it was, it was over. He had to focus on conquering that older sister instead. Charlotte was a tough nut, but Jed would have to crack her. He had no choice.

In Charlotte's room, the older sisters were making sure their outfits were perfect, while Abigail lay on her stomach on the bed, lost in thought. She had always thought of herself as a free spirit, and had never really been attracted to anyone. That was fine, though; Abigail had contented herself thinking her sisters could marry off and move away, and she'd stay behind to take care of her parents and the farm till she passed. It's all she actually ever wanted: her parents and the beautiful land.

But upon meeting Jedediah, her body had undergone a strange transformation. Her chest and stomach felt fluttery, her hands were shaky and her face couldn't stop smiling. She was giddy. And that kiss...a feeling Abigail could never describe in words because it was just too packed with emotion. But of course, the one man who can finally make her giddy ends up being her future brother by law. Dumb luck.

"Abby, stand up, let me look at you." Charlotte told her. Abigail sighed and stood, allowing her sisters to poke and prod her dress and hair into shape.

As Charlotte prodded, her own thoughts wandered off about Jed. She could not believe Pop and Momma expected her to marry such a ridiculous man. So crass and rude. To flirt with her so crudely, in their very first meeting: by Jove, how insufferable!

"There! I think she's finished," Madison announced, smiling at Abigail. Charlotte nodded absentmindedly and the sisters were off.

"Now, we have two carriages," Pop explained when the whole family and Jed were out on the front lawn. "Three people in one, and three in the other."

"Pop, why don't us three sisters go in one," Charlotte quickly suggested. "And you and Momma can sit with him?" If Jed caught her tone, he made no show of it.

"No, no!" Momma announced. "Mr. Crawley should definitely ride with you, Charlotte. And you can take Abigail along with the both of you, and Madison can join us."

"But Momma," Madison whined in a whisper.

"Excellent idea!" Pop agreed. "Let us proceed!" Everyone got into their respected carriage, none of the younger people very happy.

As the carriages rolled out of Clandestine land and towards town, the one holding the fiancés and Abigail was dead silent. The three sat wordlessly, all of them staring out a window as they drove on. Tension was palpable in the small carriage, but everyone felt it for a different reason.


By the time the Clandestines and their guest arrived to the party, it was already underway. Couples were jigging in the center of the barn, and others were socializing while they drank tea and ate from a buffet. Jed was introduced to everyone worth being introduced to, and then Mr. Clandestine forced Charlotte to dance with him.

The fiancés headed onto the floor, all eyes watching them and the watchers proclaiming what a lovely couple they made. Jed put his one arm around Charlotte's waist and immediately felt her tense. They held hands and began the slow waltz, not looking each other in the eyes.

"I'm sorry if I really hurt you earlier," Jed finally said. "I never meant to. I just wasn't expecting your reactions to me."

"What does that mean?" Charlotte asked, turning her fiery blue eyes onto him. Ah, those eyes; they were somehow softer on Abigail.

"Only that I didn't think you'd--"

"What?" Charlotte interrupted. "Attack you? Does a strong-willed, independent lady threaten you? Are men so incorrigible that they mistake strength in a woman for an attack on them?"

"No," Jed said between his teeth. "I rather like women who know what they want. But I am feeling a bit attacked now."

Charlotte bowed her head and Jed could feel her take a deep breath. She looked back up again and said, "I apologize as well. For now, and earlier. I didn't mean to -- er -- attack."

Jed simply nodded and replied, "It's quite alright. And I agree, I was not the the most gentlemanly earlier. I say I like strong-willed women, but I can learn to treat them better. Most of the time, they're smarter than I am and I s'pose it threatens me."

For the first time, Charlotte actually smiled a little. "Well, at least you know they're smarter." Jed chuckled lightly. A joke! He'd gotten a jest out of the ice queen. As they turned on the dance floor, Charlotte caught sight of Will, whose face dropped into a frown and who suddenly disappeared into the crowd. "Um, excuse me."

And just like that, she'd left Jed alone on the dance floor. He awkwardly made his way through the crowd, to the buffet. He hadn't realized this would be a mistake, as when he turned, he saw Abigail was also at the buffet table.

Her eyes widened when she saw him, and she turned to leave, but he grabbed her wrist to hold her there. He didn't know why, but he couldn't stand to see her go. "Abigail, please, can we talk?"

"I see no reason to talk, sir." She turned to grimace at him. "You are engaged to my sister, and yet you acted indecently with me this afternoon."

"But I had no clue you were sisters!" Jed defended.

"What difference does that make?" Abigail scrunched her little nose up. "Whether I was her sister or not, you shouldn't act indecently with anyone while you're engaged to Charlotte! Why, did you think I was some servant you could fool around with on the side? I abhor these inappropriate thoughts, sir!"

Jed reddened, because he'd exactly been thinking that, but only said, "Please stop calling me sir. And, who on earth did you think I was? You are every bit as guilty as I am!"

"That is unfair," Abigail snapped. "I hadn't the slightest clue who you could be! I thought perhaps you were some worker Pop had hired and brought over for the farm, though I owe you no explanation."

"And what were you thinking?" Jed raised his eyebrows. "I'll tell you what, you were thinking as obscene of thoughts as I was. Sure, you knew less than I did, but you wanted that farm worker the same way I wanted the servant girl."

Abigail opened and closed her mouth in rapid succession. She blinked once and then quietly seethed, "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Really? You seemed to have the proper idea of what improper things I am talking about."

Abigail dramatically gasped. Jed mimicked her, wide eyes and all. She stared at him for a moment, but she couldn't hide the laugh tickling the corners of her lips. Instead, she squeezed her lips together, turned and skipped away. Jed watched her leave, feeling tickles at his own lips.

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