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Epilogue- Three years later

Charlotte stood at Abby's grave, admiring the clean stone and the fresh flowers she'd placed by it. It was nice to visit Abby; it reminded her of the happy little sister she'd had, which then would remind her to always stay positive, even in the darkest of times.

The sun was shining brightly and beautifully, and the days of heavy rains from three years ago was left in the far back of Charlotte's mind. She didn't even have to worry about seeing Madison's grave whenever she visited Abby, because Madison had not been buried in the family plot. Instead, her body was in an unmarked grave by the rest of the criminals, where it belonged.

Sheriff Pimberly had even demanded a search for Will's body in the criminal's section of the graveyard, and had had his body dug up and brought out to be buried in a proper place, near the Clandestine family plot. Charlotte looked over at it now, smiling as she remembered Will's bravery and honesty. He deserved to rest in peace.

Pimberly had had enough shocks for his lifetime as sheriff, and after declaring Madison as Abby's murderer and moving Will's body, he'd retired. He now lived far away from Hush, realizing that Charlotte had been right all along about how corrupt everything was, and no longer wishing to be a part of that corruption.

Momma and Pop had not taken the news well. Momma had had an episode, and was now confined to bed rest, but she was looking better these days. She could sit up and talk, and she would even smile. Especially when she played with her grandson.

"Atticus!" Jed called out, chasing after his two-and-a-half year old son, who ran up and hugged Charlotte around her legs. Charlotte laughed and patted his head as Jed came up to them, panting exaggeratedly. His over exaggeration made Atticus giggle and stumble over to him. Jed chuckled and picked his son up, tossing him around in the air.

"Be careful!" Charlotte reprimanded, watching as Jed threw Atticus up into the air and caught him. "He'll fall!"

"No, he won't." Jed told her, placing Atticus down onto the ground so he could run around. "I'm here, and I've got him."

"I know," Charlotte smiled. She curled her fingers into Jed's hair and leaned her head up to place her lips on his. She gave a slow and sweet kiss before pulling her head back and gasping. "There was another kick!"

Jed quickly squatted down beside Charlotte and placed his hands on her large, round pregnant belly. He chuckled out loud as he felt their second child kicking inside of Charlotte. He looked up at Charlotte, his face filled with all the joy and love in the world. He stood back up and this time he was the one to grab her face and give her a happy kiss.

As Charlotte and Jed kissed and held each other close, Atticus ran up and this time hugged both of them around the legs. Charlotte and Jed pulled apart, laughing and smiling down at their happy little boy.

"Alright, Atticus." Jed told their son. "Let's start walking home. Pop and Momma will be expecting us for supper!"

Atticus turned and began to stumble across  and out of the graveyard to the main road, leading the way back to the Clandestine manor. Charlotte and Jed walked behind him, arm in arm, with smiles on their faces.

"What if we have another boy?" Charlotte asked Jed as they walked. "What should we name him?"

"Why not after Pop?" Jed told her, smiling bright. Pop wasn't just Jed's father-in-law; he felt like Jed's actual father. Jed had had a better father-son relationship with Pop than he'd had with his own father. Which was why Jed had decided he and Charlotte would raise their family in Clandestine manor in Hush. He would be a live-in son-in-law and start a branch of his father's business in Hush. His parents hadn't minded, and in fact the distance made their relationship a little better, as his parents actually wanted to see him and his family now.

"I like that," Charlotte nodded. "What if it's a girl?" Jed only shrugged. Charlotte placed her chin on his shoulder and asked, "What about Abigail?"

Jed kept walking, but he turned his head to look down at Charlotte and smile. "If you like it, I like it."

"I love it," Charlotte told him, resting her head on his shoulder as they followed Atticus home.

Jed kissed the top of her head and whispered, "I love you," before stepping out of her arms and running forward to pick Atticus up again. He tossed his son up in the air, and Atticus giggled hysterically. This time, Charlotte didn't protest but only giggled along with them, wrapping her arms over her round belly.

After all the loss they had suffered, this was the light at the end of the tunnel. Her family was finally complete, finally happy.

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