Chapter 6

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Chapter Six- Lovebirds

Three months had passed since Jed's arrival to Hush. Three months he'd been living with the Clandestines. Those three months he was supposed to be getting to know his fiancé, instead he'd spent falling in love with her younger sister.

Jed and Abigail were more in love than ever. They'd spend hours talking to each other, getting to know every little detail of their lives. They'd sneak away to the little cottage they'd first made love in, and do it again. And again and again, showing each other physically what they were feeling internally. Every moment spent together, whether it was conversations or making love, were the happiest moments the two of them experienced.

Throughout the three months, Jed had hardly seen that William Atticus, only a couple times, during which their only exchange was glaring from William and walking away from Jed. Jed did not really care, however. This farm worker could go on all he wanted with this little crush of his on Abigail; she was all Jed's.

Meanwhile, Will had actually been keeping as close to Charlotte as he could. The two spent more time together than ever, hiding away in the barns for most of their days. For three months, all Charlotte ever heard was wedding plans, and she was becoming desperate, clinging to Will as much as she could. She didn't know what they were going to do.

Charlotte walked into the barn one day, looking for Will to talk. She closed the doors behind her and walked into the large, hay-filled room, but there seemed to be no sign of Will. She hadn't been able to sneak away to see him the night before, and she was really feeling the urgency to talk to him.

Suddenly, Charlotte was lifted up and twirled around. After a couple spins, Will put her down and she turned to face him. Before she could say anything, he kissed her, breathing in her sweet lilac scent. Charlotte pushed him off and said, "No, no. We need to talk."

"But I've missed you," Will said, trying to pull her back into his arms. Charlotte struggled out of them, and huffed out a sigh.

"Will, please, we need to talk. Really." She walked over to a large pile of hay and plopped down to sit on it. "It's been three months, and he hasn't left. Either we tell my parents what's happening between us, or I end up Mrs. Jedediah Crawley."

"There will be no such thing happening," Will answered crossly. He hated the sound of that name. Will took off his vest and began unbuttoning his work shirt, walking slowly toward Charlotte.

"No," Charlotte warned. "Don't do that! Don't distract me! We need to talk!"

"Really?" Will said, throwing his shirt off so he only stood there in his denim work pants. Years of farm work had made his body strong and chiseled like a statue of a Greek god. He was sweaty and a little dirty, but that only added to his appeal. "You want me to get dressed again?"

Charlotte stood up and marched up to him. She grabbed his face and kissed him passionately, earning a low moan from him. She turned them around and pushed him away so he landed on the hay she'd been sitting on. "Two can play at this game," she told him. "We talk. The more we say, the more clothes I take off. We don't talk, I keep my clothes on and leave. Understood?"

Will lay back against the hay in defeat and sighed. "Fine. What do we have to talk about?"

"Am I going to tell my parents about us?" Charlotte asked.

"They'd never agree," Will shook his head. Upon his answer, Charlotte unbuttoned her dress and pulled it off so she was only wearing her undershirt and underskirt.

"Then, do I marry Mr. Crawley?"

"Definitely not," Will said angrily, though he didn't have as much gumption as before. He was busy watching as she kicked her boots off.

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