How Gundam Addresses His Friends

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Hello mortals! The first thing that the mortal author asked me to do is explain how I refer to my fellow companions on Jabberwock Island. You may use this as a guide if you ever are confused with my manner of speaking.

Hajime Hinata: The pointed one

A fairly simple one. Hajime's hairstyle is pointed, giving him his nickname. His hair is a very strange phenomenon, indeed. Whenever he gets flustered, his face turns red as usual, but his ahoge spikes upwards! It is unnatural! I have heard that Mikan caused something like that to happen once, but I have only ever feasted my eyes upon when Chiaki falls asleep on him that this occurs.

Chiaki Nanami: The sleepy one

Another simple one. The girl tends to play these so called 'video games' often, but her sleepy nature even affects her during her gaming, thus the name. She tends to fall asleep in random places. Once, she did not turn up for breakfast, so we searched the islands, only to find that she had fallen asleep face first in the sandy shores by the water.

Nagito Komaeda: The hopeful one

Ugh, this mortal is one who annoys us all, except for Mikan, who seems to accept us all. Every moment I observe his behavior, he is always wishing for us to be hopeful. I don't understand what he wishes to accomplish doing this, but I shall not question his motives.

Mikan Tsumiki: The clumsy one

I don't have to explain my reasoning on this one, either. During the party, after the blackout, she revealed the most clumsy position any girl could be in. Even my Dark Devas were concerned. That pose... We shall never forget that lewd pose... It affected us so much, that I ended up calling her "The food crotch one" for an entire week.

Byakuya Twogami: The large one

I have been informed by the author that the man goes more commonly by "Twogami", which is why I address him with this name now. He is a very large man, though his leadership skills are incredible. I'm glad that he came out of that blackout alive. If he hadn't... Wait, are you confused? ...Oh... Oh, thank you. The mortal author has informed me that this is an 'AU'. Apparently, the blackout was supposed to be the end of our leader, but this 'AU' seems to have saved him, causing the string of murders to not occur. Monomi defeated the metal beasts, allowing us to the other islands gradually over time after the party.

Teruteru Hanamura: The perverted chef

Yes, this one is not a one. I think that was a clever pun. To be fair, he is very perverted, and I dislike his several advances on the others and me. He... disturbs me, to use simpler mortal terms.

Hiyoko Saionji: The childish one

You cannot tell me that that mortal looks exactly like a younger mortal! I swear she is using a height altering enchantment to keep herself in that form!

Mahiru Koizumi: The red photographer

Simple and easy. Hair color and profession. Though, this does not work with all people. I mush prefer the clumsy one to the purple nurse.

Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu: The blonde yakuza

...To be honest, I originally called him the short gangster. This is the only thing I can call him without him getting angry.

Peko Pekoyama: The swordswoman

Fitting title for the Ultimate Swordswoman. She is the most talented sword fighter I have ever met.

Nekomaru Nidai: The loud coach

Nekomaru is a kind soul, despite his gruff exterior. He and I are good friends, and I appreciate his fighting spirit.

Akane Owari: The well endowed one

Speaking of fighting spirit, we have this girl. Strangely enough, the first time I called her this, she seemed to take it in pride, giving me permission to do so. I have no regrets, as it is her most striking feature upon first encountering her.

Ibuki Mioda: The perky musician

One of the more stranger mortals on the island, Ibuki never ceases to bewilder us. Even I am still stumped as to who exactly she is. She could be a great and powerful being masquerading as a musician, or she really could be that insane.

Sonia Nevermind: Lady Sonia

Ahh, Lady Sonia! Not to confuse this with the name our final mortal gives her "Miss Sonia". Foolish mortal. The dark lady deserves to be recognized by her proper title!

Kazuichi Souda: Shark Mechanic

And last, and certainly the least, him. Don't be confuse, the mortal author says that the Shark Mechanic is one of his favorite characters, obviously behind me, but still, this does not change how he is my most bitter foe! He dares challenge my dark power, that fiend!

Well, I hope this clears up a few questions you may have had. Have a good night, now, mortals.

This is Gundam Tanaka, singing out. Peace!

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