Mondo's Birthday

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Author: Hey guys! I'm back in action! And two chapters in one day? What's the occasion?

Gundam: Don't act so foolish, you gathered the corn headed one here for a reason.

Mondo: You can't even say my own fucking name on my birthday you piece of shit?

Author: Yeah guys! Todays is Mondo Owada's birthday! June 6th! Happy birthday, butter man! I mean Mondo!

Mondo: Whoop de fucking do. What, did you only bring me here for this fucking guy to ignore me?

Gundam: Happy birthday. Mondo.

Author: Anyway, I have a surprise for you! Close your eyes, Mondo!

Mondo: Fine.

He closes his eyes.

-2 minutes later-

Okay, open your eyes!

Mondo opens his eyes to see Taka and Chihiro holding a cake for him.

Chihiro, Taka, and Author: Happy birthday!

Mondo is silent for a moment.

Then he sheds a tear.

Mondo: Thank you guys... So much...

Taka: No problem, bro!

Chihiro: Yes, Mondo! We're your best friends! We'd never forget your birthday!

The three hug.

Author: Isn't that beautiful?

Gundam: I suppose.

Author: Now sign off so we can eat the cake.

Gundam: Don't forget to ask or dare! This is Gundam Tanaka, signing off. Peace!

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